

Où voir The Assault Netflix

Ma parole contre la leur

Ma parole contre la leur

Cheerleader de 17 ans, Samantha Gleason crée la surprise en tentant de s'immoler par le feu avant un match de football américain de l'équipe de son lycée. Sauvée par son ex petit-ami, Reed, elle est hospitalisée et avoue avoir été agressée sexuellement lors d'une soirée trop arrosée en compagnie des joueurs de l'équipe, fête dont elle n'a gardé aucun souvenir..

The Assault

The Assault

A female cop assigned to protect a dead drug dealer's girlfriend from mob assassins takes her to a home for battered wives. When revenge is the only option, the emotionally scarred women are forced to fight back..

Black & White Episode I: The Dawn of Assault

Black & White Episode I: The Dawn of Assault

Un policier, qui est sans peur à la mort, ne peut rien faire pour une seule vérité, tandis qu'un gangster, qui craint la mort le plus, a des menaces de mort a tiré de son action risquée pour l'amour. Un policier et un gangster peuvent être de grands partenaires que vous avez jamais imaginé. D'une certaine manière, le sauvetage du monde est maintenant entièrement compte sur les partenaires. Dans les 36 heures, ils doivent résoudre la crise qui pourrait détruire le port de la ville ....

Assault on the Wayne

Assault on the Wayne

The U.S. submarine Anthony Wayne is underway for a top-secret mission. Onboard is a highly classified device that will give the Americans a decided nuclear advantage. The entire mission and the secret technology are threatened when the sub commander discovers his crew has been infiltrated by enemy agents. The commander is charged with trying to protect the device while ferreting out the enemy agents. Compounding matters is the state of the commander's physical and mental condition, which is being questioned by his crew..

L'Assaut des Killer Bimbos

L'Assaut des Killer Bimbos

Belles et racées, Lulu, Peaches et Darlène n'ont en somme qu'un seul défaut : elles sont totalement dépourvues de scrupules. Alors forcément, les ennuis les plus dingues s'abattent en rafale sur leurs frêles épaules. Mais elles sont si charmantes, si sensuelles, qu'il vous sera désormais impossible de leur résister. D'autant que, vous le constaterez dans ce film bourré d'humour et gavé d'action, leurs formes rebondies, qu'elles exhibent à tout va, méritent à elles seules un détour de cent bornes..

Assault in the Ring

Assault in the Ring

On June 16, 1983, in front of a capacity crowd of 25,000 at Madison Square Garden, the lives of two young men were forever changed during a controversial boxing match. A tough club fighter from Puerto Rico named Luis Resto fought Billy Collins Jr., an Irish golden boy, for ten grueling rounds. Resto was declared the winner, but within minutes, was accused of tampering with the padding in his gloves - in effect brutalizing Collins Jr. with his bare fists for thirty minutes. More than two decades later, Luis Resto is still a broken man shouldering the burden of his opponent's death; a prison sentence; and a lifetime ban from boxing. Resto relives that infamous night in New York City and exposes the sport's dark side - unfolding an emotional story which finally reveals the truth..

Assault of the Sasquatch

Assault of the Sasquatch

When a merciless bear poacher is caught and arrested deep in the woods of a state park, he and his truck are taken to a neglected precinct in the heart of a dying city. Unbeknown-st to the authorities, the impounded truck holds a deadly cargo in the form of the legendary Sasquatch. Now, stuck in an unfamiliar world, the creature will let nothing and no one stop it from coming face-to-face with the unscrupulous man who ruthlessly ripped it from its environment. Taking an inventive and action packed approach, "Sasquatch Assault" breaths new and exciting life into the immortal legend of Bigfoot..



Décembre 1994. Le samedi 24, quatre terroristes du GIA détournent un Airbus A300 d'Air France, à destination de Paris, avec 227 passagers à bord, à l'aéroport d'Alger..

L'assaut des nerds de la fête

L'assaut des nerds de la fête

Ritchie Spencer (Richard Gabai) et ses amis ont un problème. Ils sont les quatre seuls membres de leur fraternité et ils sont tous diplômés. Ils doivent trouver un moyen d'amener plus de membres avant de partir et d'esquiver la fraternité rivale des jocks..



At the end of WWII the Dutch resistance kills a German officer in front of the house of a Dutch family. Years after the war the young boy who witnessed the killing runs into the members of the resistance who committed the killing..

Assault on Normandy: Gold Beach - Battle for the Beaches

Assault on Normandy: Gold Beach - Battle for the Beaches

Gold Beach is the story of the highly successful assault by 50th Northumbrian Division and 231 Malta Bde on the central beach of the Allied D day landings. The beach was one of the 2 extra beaches that Montgomery had added to the COSSAC plan and the two veteran formations chosen were highly successful achieving nearly all their objectives despite some hard and bloody fighting. It was on this beach that WO2 Stan Hollis won the only VC of D Day..

Assault on Normandy: Gold Beach - Battle for the Beachhead

Assault on Normandy: Gold Beach - Battle for the Beachhead

69 Infantry Brigade had a highly successful landing and now had to fight its way through German defences to its objectives eight miles away. It was here that the veteran warrior, Sergeant Major Stan Hollis, continued the actions that led to him receiving the only D Day Victoria Cross.Meanwhile, 231 Infantry Brigade,were attempting to recover the situation and fight through German strong points towards Arromanches and Point 54 ridge. These battles lacked the coordination between infantry and tanks achieved by 69 Brigade and were up against field grade German infantry. Hours behind schedule, the village of Ryes was taken. This allowed the much delayed second wave consisting of 56th and 151 Infantry Brigades to deploy and exploit the early successes, reaching the outskirts of Bayeux by dusk. Meanwhile, in the west, the hard pressed 231 Infantry Brigade and 47 Commando continued its advance through enemy held territory to Port en Bessin, Arromanches and the Longues sur Mer Battery..