

Où voir Stolen Identity Netflix

Stolen Identity

Stolen Identity

Asami Inaba est intérimaire dans une entreprise. Un jour, son petit ami laisse son smartphone dans un taxi. Dès lors, des choses mystérieuses se déroulent autour d'elle, comme le fait que sa facture de carte de crédit porte des facturations pour des achats qu'elle n'a pas effectués. Elle est impliquée dans une grosse affaire..

Stolen Identity 2

Stolen Identity 2

A couple of months have passed since the serial murder case. A new dead body is found in the same area. Detective Manabu Kagaya tries to find the truth. He goes to see serial killer Yoshiharu Urano in prison..

A Stolen Identity

A Stolen Identity

Steve Carnes, the son of a wealthy manufacturer, leads a useless life and is disowned by his father. After a night of gambling he returns, penniless, to his apartment. He is on the point of ending everything when his bell rings and he finds an abandoned baby on his doorstep. Steve and his valet, Hodges, attempt to pacify the child. The distracted mother, who has hoped to place the little one in a comfortable home, repents her act and comes to Steve's house, begging that the child be returned. Steve complies with her request and secretly follows her home. He sees that she lives in a disreputable tenement and finds a note from her husband's father, in which the latter states that the marriage was against his wishes and that the young woman has no claim upon him..



Inspiré d'une histoire vraie, un jeune homme de bonne famille se transforme en un habile et séduisant fraudeur, entraînant par le fait même les rêves de gens innocents..

Stolen Identity: The Last Hacker

Stolen Identity: The Last Hacker

In the previous film, the genius hacker and murderer Urano successfully escaped from prison. Now, he has come to Korea at the request of the anti-government group "Mugunghwa," which aims to prevent an upcoming Japan-Korea summit. Soo Min, a member of Mugunghwa, is assigned to monitor Urano but gradually feels a sense of kinship and attraction towards him. Meanwhile, Detective Kagaya, who previously captured Urano, faces him again in his new role within the Japanese cabinet..