

Où voir Space Battleship Yamato Netflix

Star Blazers Space Battleship Yamato

Star Blazers Space Battleship Yamato

Année 2199. L'humanité vit ses derniers jours. La puissante flotte de la planète Gamilas envoie des astéroïdes radioactifs s'abattre sans relâche sur la surface de la Terre, la rendant inhabitable. Les survivants se sont réfugiés dans de vastes cités souterraines, mais la contamination radioactive s'enfoncent toujours plus profond, et il n'y aura bientôt plus de refuge possible pour l'espèce humaine. Une découverte va tout changer….

Space Battleship Yamato 2199

Space Battleship Yamato 2199

L'année est 2199. La race humaine a été écrasée dans sa guerre contre les Gamilos, poussée dans les villes souterraines par l'assaut de l'envahisseur. Les scientifiques estiment qu'il ne leur reste qu'une année. Les jeunes officiers Susumu Kodai et Daisuke Shima reçoivent une capsule mystérieuse d'un navire qui a fait un atterrissage d'urgence sur Mars et est retourné avec lui sur Terre. Il contient le dernier espoir de l'humanité: la planète Iscandar de l'autre côté de la Galaxie de Magellan a la technologie pour vaincre les Gamilos et restaurer la planète. Le vaisseau spatial Yamato est chargé de cette tâche, mais ils n'ont qu'une année avant la fin de l'humanité..

Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Hoshimeguru Hakobune

Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Hoshimeguru Hakobune

Un nouvel ennemi menace l’humanité, asservissant ou détruisant toutes les planètes se trouvant sur sa route. L’histoire raconte le combat mené par l’équipage du Yamato pour empêcher le vaisseau spatial Gatlantis d’envahir la Terre. Cerné par les flottes du Gatlantis, le Yamato arrive toutefois à s’échapper et atteint une étrange planète….

Space Battleship Yamato

Space Battleship Yamato

When vile aliens known as the Gamilons wreak nuclear havoc on Earth, a group of survivors refit the Japanese battleship Yamato for intergalactic travel and set off on a mission to retrieve a neutralizer that will eradicate the radiation from Earth's atmosphere..

Space Battleship Yamato Resurrection

Space Battleship Yamato Resurrection

In the year 2220 A.D., the Earth Federation launches a plan to evacuate Earth when discovering that a travelling black hole capable of destroying anything in its path is on course towards the solar system. As the people on Earth prepare to relocate to planet Amare, whose ruler offers refuge, the tyrants known as the "S.U.S. Empire" attack the first Earth evacuation fleet. After learning that his wife Capt. Yuki Mori-Kodai disappeared in the battle and that legendary space battleship Yamato has been fully rebuilt, Susumu Kodai accepts command of the ship as he intends to not only help humanity once again, but also find Yuki in the hope of helping his relationship with his daughter Miyuki, who puts the blame on him for her mother's disappearance. But in order to fullfil the mission, the Yamato must go through battles against the SUS Empire, who intend to spoil humanity's hopes of finding a new place to live in and turn Earth into energy for their own selfish needs..

Space Battleship Yamato - Final Chapter

Space Battleship Yamato - Final Chapter

The Galman Empire is destroyed but the planet Galmania is not, by a chance collision of galaxies. The Bolar Federation worlds including Planet Bolar are destroyed. The Yamato, back under the command of Captain Okita, encounters the planet Denguil too late to save its humanoid civilization from being flooded by the water planet Aquarius. The surviving Denguil, a warrior race who believe only the strong should survive, plan to use Aquarius to flood Earth and destroy humanity, in order to create a new home for their race..

Space Battleship Yamato - The New Voyage

Space Battleship Yamato - The New Voyage

Time to ease up ... not! Although the Yamato's crew has witnessed the end of the long, hard-fought Comet Empire War, a peaceful future will have to wait. While Dessler gathers together the shattered remnants of his Gamilus Empire, new forces are at work in the universe that could augur in another conflict. Seems the Black Star Empire has invaded Dessler's homeworld and is decimating it, all the while gathering power for its war machine..

Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato

Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato

The Yamato and her crew face the onslaught of the Comet Empire, a civilization from the Andromeda Galaxy who seek to conquer Earth, led by Prince Zordar. They have harnessed a comet and is using its terrible power to unleash destruction upon its rivals and inferiors... which are in fact everyone. The Space Battleship Yamato heads back into action. But this time, it shall not return, and much of the Yamato crew have signed on for their last voyage..

Space Battleship, l'Ultime Espoir

Space Battleship, l'Ultime Espoir

2199. La galaxie a sombré dans la plus impitoyable des guerres. Les radiations ont rendu la terre inhabitable, et il n’y aura bientôt plus de refuge possible pour l’espèce humaine. Un seul vaisseau peut retrouver la machine de décontamination qui sauverait la Terre d’une extinction inévitable….

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - A Voyage to Remember

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - A Voyage to Remember

Compilation film of "Space Battleship Yamato 2199" TV series. The year is 2199. The human race has been crushed in their war with the Gamilos, driven into underground cities by the invader's assault. Scientists estimate they have only a year left. The young officers Susumu Kodai and Daisuke Shima receive a mysterious capsule from a ship that made an emergency landing on Mars and return with it to Earth. It contains humanity's last hope: the planet Iscandar on the other side of the Magellan Galaxy has the technology to defeat the Gamilos and restore the planet. The space battleship Yamato is entrusted with this task, but they have only one year before humanity ends..

Star Blazers [Space Battleship Yamato] 2205: The New Voyage

Star Blazers [Space Battleship Yamato] 2205: The New Voyage

Three years have passed since the battle with the White Comet Empire. President Dessler, who has been searching for a new mother star to save the dying Gamirasu people, finds a star that meets the conditions in a section of the Milky Way galaxy. But it was within the territory of a mighty interstellar nation. The territorial dispute that broke out in the galaxy inevitably involves the Earth, which has a security treaty with Gamirasu. The magic of the time fault, which brought military and economic advantages to the earth, has disappeared in exchange for their own lives. Susumu Kodai sets out on a training voyage with the new crew in preparation for an upcoming emergency. Without knowing that someone who is aiming for himself is in the middle. Yamato is about to embark on a new journey in an era of unprecedented anxiety. On the way, an unimaginable new enemy awaits ....

Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2202: Ai no Senshi-tachi

Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2202: Ai no Senshi-tachi

2202, trois ans après la bataille contre les Gamilas, le système solaire est de nouveau en paix et la Terre a été restaurée grâce au dispositif donné par Starsha Iscandar. Un traité de paix a officialisé la fin de la guerre entre la Terre et Gamilas qui s'allient pour former une force armée intergalactique avec comme nouveau navire amiral, l'Andromeda, symbole de cette puissance militaire construit malgré les vœux de paix de Starsha Iscandar. Mais quand une nouvelle puissance, le peuple Gatlantis, commence à faire des ravages et veut conquérir l'univers, Teresa, une femme ayant d'étonnants pouvoirs, fait appel au cuirassé Yamato commandé par Susumu Kodai pour riposter à la nouvelle menace..