

Où voir Residue Netflix



Une explosion bizarre sème le chaos dans une ville tentaculaire du futur. Huit survivants doivent faire face aux séquelles paranormales de l'évènement..



Jay, scénariste en herbe, retourne dans son vieux quartier et y découvre à quel point celui-ci s’est gentrifié. Les résidents les plus pauvres, d’origine majoritairement afro-américaine, se trouvent poussés hors de chez eux par des propriétaires plus riches et majoritairement blancs. Traité comme un étranger par ses anciens amis, Jay est perdu et ne sait plus tout à fait à quel monde il appartient..



Un enquêteur privé et fauché vient en possession d'un livre mystérieux et convoité (écrit une nuit d'Halloween). Sa lecture le mènera dans un monde étrange et terrifiant..



La dissimulation par le gouvernement des causes d'une explosion massive dans une métropole britannique futuriste incite la journaliste photo Jennifer Preston à rechercher la vérité et, ce faisant, ouvre un phénomène paranormal qui hante la ville..



Filmmaker and writer Hannah Villanueva offers a fleeting, nearly silent portrayal of the slow, draining nature of longing. With poetic text-on-screen unfurling like a prayer flag across wintry landscapes, an intimate harvesting of pomegranate seeds, and an exhausted snow angel, the residue of Residue is lush, tender, and inspiring. A world premiere in Good Symptom..



When two former lovers reunite through returned belongings, the future of their relationship is tested by the feelings that still remain..



As a filmmaker and artist, Roy Samaha explores the non-linear relationships between images, memory and history through embodied experience. Residue began as a trip from Beirut to Izmir on Turkey’s Aegean coast. From there, Samaha headed northward to Ayvalik, an old seaport village in the country’s northwest region, where he caught a ferryboat that took him to Greece’s ancient city of Mytilene. The artist retraces the journey of successive waves of migration, following the route of people moving from the Aegean, Anatolian and southern European regions to the Eastern Mediterranean and Egypt. Based on Samaha’s journey, Residue is a moving image diary comprised of over 85 GIFs that explore the recurring movement of waters, peoples and cultures..

Strange Residues

Strange Residues

Dreams. What are they? Is it possible they can be used by strange beings from another planet to manipulate man? This man is dreaming. Could it be that at this very moment his dreams are being structured by a beam from outer space?.

Day Residue

Day Residue

I spent a day with my mother and stepfather shooting Super 8mm film in my childhood home in Memphis, Tennessee. Sigmund Freud believed that the instigation of a dream is often to be found in the events of the day preceding the dream, which he called the “day residue.”.

The Residue: Live in London

The Residue: Live in London

THE RESIDUE follows five unlikely friends and their transition from ordinary life to living an extraordinary adventure. The journey to a safe haven leads to a quest to destroy a deadly parasite that infects the country..

Red Leaves No Residue

Red Leaves No Residue

The film has as its central character the woman in red; it examines her love to varying degrees as overwhelming obsession and possible madness. The film is narrated both by the woman (a text written by Nooshin Farhid), and by a second anonymous voice at the beginning of the film, perhaps that of the film-maker who follows the woman in red, stalking her. The camera takes the role of a voyeur but rather than being in control, it is as fragile and vulnerable as the events it records. In the film a ‘ real’ passerby asks what the woman in red is doing. He expresses concern at being filmed and yet solicits the attention of the camera. He volunteers the information that he suffers from mental illness. His real life concerns merge with those of the woman in red..

I, Residue

I, Residue

This is the story of unruly desire, one that poisons and impoverishes: the tale of a modern King Midas, crossing borders and unearthing everything that is presumed to be valuable. Yet here, the golden shine that should emanate from the king’s touch is missing, and all that’s left is an all-encompassing abstraction. This filmic fable speaks to the anonymous racialized bodies trapped under the impossible demand to fill a growing void that leaves only annihilation in its wake..

Le faucon noir

Le faucon noir

Un accident dans une centrale nucléaire contraint les autorités à évacuer la ville de Hambourg. Responsable de la sécurité de la centrale, Katja Wernecke est persuadée que les travaux de rénovation du site ont causé l'accident. Pour prouver ses affirmations, elle doit récupérer des documents dans la zone contaminée....

Actual Record! Real Horror Posted Video: Residual Evil Spirits

Actual Record! Real Horror Posted Video: Residual Evil Spirits

The definitive collection of terrifying images! Over 80 titles in the series! This documentary horror series has been collabolated with various genres such as TV personalities, magazines, and news sites, and has over 90 titles in total. The contents in this collection include many images of what are generally referred to as earthbound spirits..

Danger of Entrapment

Danger of Entrapment

A post on social media reports that eleven black girls have gone missing. The police, the mayor, and the community want to know the truth, causing a special task force to be assembled to investigate the report..