

Où voir Repulsion Netflix



Une jeune manucure belge, Carole, travaille et vit à Londres avec sa sœur Hélène. Carole, introvertie, a des problèmes relationnels avec les hommes. Elle repousse Colin, qui la courtise et n’apprécie pas Michael, l’amant de sa sœur. Quand celle-ci part avec Michael, Carole sombre progressivement dans la névrose. Recluse, elle bascule dans la schizophrénie, et devient hantée par des bruits….



As his family home is set to be demolished during urban renewal, Hao decides to buy a new house with his inheritance from his father so as to get away from this sad place and start a new life elsewhere with his mother, Hsia. However, in the meantime, he finds out that Hsia has continued using the inheritance money to make political contributions, for she is such a political fanatic. Somehow, Hsia believes that only CHIANG Chung-Yao, the latest candidate running for mayor, can bring about a bright future for all. Eventually, Hao has chosen to hold his mother captive for fear that Hsia will be duped into giving away all the inherited assets..

Heat vs. Repulsion

Heat vs. Repulsion

A guy who can manipulate gravity battles a fellow who controls heat in this wonderfully choreographed battle. We have no idea why these figures are fighting, but it's a lot of fun watching them go at it. The concept work, animation, backgrounds, and compositing for Heat vs Repulsion were apparently all done over the course of six months by a 19-year-old student who goes by Optical-Core..



The lives of two families with nothing in common —other than heavy emotional dysfunction — randomly collide and spiral into a web of abduction, filth, terror, and death in this disturbing and unique knockout..



Barkha—a young smalltown woman—tries to make it as a dancer in Mumbai, but pays a heavy price for the freedom offered by the big city to experiment with her own sexuality..