

Où voir Re-Kill Netflix



Cinq ans après une épidémie de zombies, les hommes et les femmes de chasse R-Division et de détruire les morts-vivants. Quand ils voient des signes d'une seconde épidémie, ils craignent l'humanité ne peut pas survivre..

You’re Killing Me

You’re Killing Me

Eden goes to a coveted 'Heaven and Hell' party, hoping to get a letter of recommendation to an elite university from the wealthy parents of her classmate, but the party quickly turns into a fight for her life..

They're Trying To Kill Us

They're Trying To Kill Us

Eschewing the glaringly color-blind format of many other documentaries interested in advocating for plant-based living, They’re Trying to Kill Us utilizes its specificity as an act of community care and offers up a new vision of what veganism might look like for communities of color who have been systematically targeted by nutritional and environmental racism..

You're Killing Me

You're Killing Me

Joe just told his boyfriend, George, that he is a serial killer. George thinks that his boyfriend, Joe, is hilarious... and he just saw Patricia Arquette at Target!!! In the horror/comedy hybrid, 'You're Killing Me', we take a look at the life and death consequences of dating in the age of incessant chatter. Joe and George meet just as Joe is coming out to himself as someone who loves to kill. George, on the other hand, can't decide which wig to wear for his next YouTube video. As George's friends start disappearing, one by one, he must face the undeniable fact that Gretchen might not be coming back with crushed ice for his party #YouDontNeedIceForChardonnay..

You're Killing Me...

You're Killing Me...

Jamie is a successful novelist trapped in a bad relationship with her possessive boyfriend. But when things get out of control and Jamie accidentally kills him, Jamie's best friend Laura along with a third friend, Arlene convince Jamie to cover if up knowing she will not receive fair treatment by the court system. But when things get more complicated, the three women join forces to commit more murders of abusive, cheating and lying men..

Honey, We're Killing the Kids

Honey, We're Killing the Kids

Honey, We're Killing the Kids is the name of a BBC television series in which parents are shown the consequences of poor parenting. The program shows computer-generated images and technology of what their children may look like as adults if they continue with their present life-style, dietary and exercise habits. The name of this show is a parody of the name from Disney's Honey, I Shrunk the Kids movies and TV series. First, a family with issues relating to their parenting, dietary and exercise habits is introduced. Then, the children are examined by physicians and psychologists, and every aspect of their eating habits and physical activity is analysed by an expert team. Then, the parents are shown what their children may look like by taking present-day photos of them and age-progressing the photos with a computer year by year until age forty. The parents are frequently brought to tears when presented with the likelihood of their children's unhappy future appearance and significantly reduced life expectancy. Some traits are exaggerated for effect. Highly variable traits such as clothes, hairstyles, jewelry, eyeglasses, facial hair, and so forth are added to the computer generated images based on guesses by the show at the social and educational impact current poor parenting may have on the children's future lives. These guesses at highly variable traits are swayed depending on the outcome predicted by the show's child experts based upon the likely life expectancy, state of health and emotional stability of the children. Bad haircuts and glasses may be used for the before version while the after version has the computer generated images smiling and wearing a suit. Another example, in the premier TLC episode, an eight-year-old boy was given a mullet, an earring, nerdy-looking eyeglasses, and a soul patch at age fifteen. In another episode, an eight-year-old girl was given a bad case of acne as she went through her teenage years. Rosacea, obesity, tooth decay, and hair loss also seem to be common ailments added to the age-progression. These guesses at personal traits are present in all episodes to dramatise the harmful physical, emotional effects of a poor diet and poor parenting, and the major impact the show's experts say these are likely to have on the children's future well being..

Stop! You're Killing Me

Stop! You're Killing Me

Amnesty International (Ireland) presents "Stop! You're Killing Me" which features the very best of Irish comedy performed in support of Human Rights. Recorded live at Dublin's Vicar Street Comedy Club in November 2004, the stellar line up of Irish comedians includes acts from Tommy Tiernan (Supertramp), Dylan Moran (Black Books), Ardal O'Hanlon (Father Ted), Dara O'Briain (The Live Floor Show) and performances from other well known Irish comedians such as Eddie Bannon, Des Bishop, Jason Byrne and Mark Geary. Available for the first time on DVD, this is a quick fire show from a new generation of Irish comics and is your chance to laugh and support a great cause at the same time!.

Stop It, You're Killing Me

Stop It, You're Killing Me

Susan, a gold-digging con artist, marries the 108-year-old Edwin on the safe assumption that he'll soon die and she'll be able to grab his fortune. Four years later, , Edwin's still alive, and she's beginning to run out of patience. What she doesn't know is a witch is keeping Edwin alive until he turns 150 in order to complete one of her own magic spells. Will Susan be able to work out a deal, or will they be stuck waiting on Edwin for the next 40 years?.

You're Killing Me

You're Killing Me

To pay off his debt to the mob, Mort must perform a hit on an ordinary-seeming woman named Shelly. When he unexpectedly falls for his target, Mort must decide if he could ever live with himself if he killed the woman he loves..

They're Trying to Kill Me

They're Trying to Kill Me

George is bedridden at home, suffering from severe heart disease. His loving wife, Ellen, is his nurse and companion. George and his doctor, Ronnie Graham, are old friends, and were in the army together. But George is convinced that Ellen and Ronnie are having an affair, and plotting to murder him..

They're Killing Us

They're Killing Us

From inside bulletproof SUVs, on territory raids and marches with indigenous groups and joining funeral processions high in the mountains of Cauca, the film takes viewers into the real and deadly side of Colombia’s peace process..

Les Cerveaux mecaniques

Les Cerveaux mecaniques

Sur une île isolée, un médecin fou expérimente de la chirurgie expérimentale au niveau du cerveau sur des cobayes humains. Malheureusement, plusieurs de ses patients souffrent d'effets secondaires liés à la chirurgie qui les changent en zombies meurtriers. Sur l'île, arrive un groupe de jeunes en vacances. Dans la bande, un jeune homme est venu pour régler ses comptes avec le médecin qui, des années auparavant, l'avait hypnotisé et controllé pour tuer son propre père....



A plane containing a highly classified government project crashes outside of a small town in the US. Realizing the level of danger, the government tries to secretly fix the problem. As tensions grow, the situation gets out of control, and civilians from the town find themselves facing their worst nightmare: a genetically enhanced killing machine that doesn't know how to stop..

Killing Gunther

Killing Gunther

Un groupe d'assassins excentriques en a assez de Gunther, le plus grand tueur à gages du monde, et décide de le tuer, mais leur plan se transforme en une série de rencontres ratées, Gunther semblant toujours avoir une longueur d'avance..