

Où voir Pulse Netflix



When successful high-flier Frankie Bell is brought crashing to earth by chronic kidney failure she targets an alternate future. Eight years on she is in her second year as a practicing doctor starting her first day in a Renal rotation. Driven to use her second chance to save others, Frankie must confront an ailing health system, and face her toughest challenge - learning to let go..

Danger haute tension

Danger haute tension

David Rockland, jeune garçon de onze ans, n'est guère enchante de passer ses vacances en Californie chez son père récemment remarie. Il l'est encore moins quand il découvre que la maison est vivante et qu'il s'y passe des choses aussi effrayantes que bizarres. Aide d'un copain, il va dépasser les interdits et rencontrer d’étranges personnages qui sont très lies avec la fée électricité....



Un groupe d'étudiants commence à recevoir des messages émis par un ami récemment décédé. Ils vont découvrir que tous les appareils électroniques (ordinateurs, téléphones portables…) deviennent des passages vers un autre monde, conséquence d'une expérience secrète qui a mal tourné….



While the staff of Miami’s busiest Level 1 Trauma Center navigate medical emergencies, young ER doc Dani Simms is unexpectedly promoted to Chief Resident amidst the fallout of her own provocative romantic relationship..



Une conceptrice de jeux vidéo perturbée et son équipe se retrouvent dans des circonstances étranges qui reflètent le jeu vidéo qu'ils ont créé. Piégée dans un bâtiment toxique, elle doit aider ses collègues à s'échapper non seulement de l'environnement, mais aussi du champ de bataille des esprits malades et fatigués qui s'y trouvent. Ce n'est plus un jeu..



A year after her mother's death, Hannah resumes her training at one of the country's top teaching hospitals. She is soon terrified by strange visions and the threatening behaviour of her ex-boyfriend and star surgeon Nick and wonders if she has come back too soon. But beneath the hospital's reputation of medical excellence she discovers a secret network of dangerous experiments pushing back the boundaries of science..



L'histoire vraie d'une athlète, cinq fois médaillée aux jeux paralympiques qui, suite à un accident, se voit perdre la plupart de sa vue. Condamnée à ne plus jamais courir, elle va redoubler d'efforts pour retrouver sa place au sein de la compétition..



Pulse was a prerecorded weekly news show that focused on the gaming industry that ran on cable TV channel G4. Originally hosted by Ronilyn Reilly and Jim Downs before co-anchor Patrick Clark took over. Kevin Pereira briefly served as co-host when Reilly left the show. Pereira was then replaced with Amanda MacKay. In November 2004, along with other G4techTV programs, the show was cancelled. News segments were merged with revamped version of The Screen Savers, though eventually those duties were taken over by the editorial staff of X-Play..



Two women who are madly in love decide to go out and have fun as a normal couple. Unfortunately, it ends up in a tragedy when a homophobic terrorist appears..



A desperate mother, who suffers from a mental breakdown due to her husband's death in Orlando nightclub shooting, struggles with the relationship between her son and his swimming coach..



One of the largest deer farms in Europe becomes a scene of conflict, in an atmosphere that transcends physical space. The pulse is a way to seize connections and disruptions within the Human-Animal interaction, pulling us away or drawing us closer to Nature..



Tells of the inner conflict Daniel faces when coming to terms with his sexuality, exploring his acceptance and love through a stylised, surreal continuous movement; battling his denial and faith..



In the remote north, the Chukotka people face harsh arctic hunting conditions in a beautifully soundcaped and shot film..



In late 2008, on the outskirts of Kiev, appears lifeless body Skobalski Anna, a girl of only 14 years old..



The multi-award winning animation film in which abstract and representational figures constantly metamorphose into each other, accompanied by electronically manipulated and electronic sounds. Two artists spent over a year of full time to execute the more than 6000 drawings used, many of which were created while under the influence of hallucinogens..



Tap into the beat of the freestyle snowboarding movement in this non-stop, heart pounding, action packed, 16mm film. MDP checks the pulse of the finest snowboarding arena in the world including Canada, Utah, Oregon and California. Pulse combines the best riders, the best terrain and the best filming to bring you the best video of the year..



Follows two strangers who share a brief, yet profound exchange that evokes sympathy, understanding, recognition and hope. Within our busy lives, within our cosmopolitan cities with their mix of cultures, humanity still connects..