

Où voir Polly Pocket Netflix

Polly Pocket

Polly Pocket

Polly Pocket est une jeune fille férue d'aventures, qui rêve grand malgré sa petite taille. Quand sa grand-mère lui rend visite, Polly, très ingénieuse, lui propose de réparer son médaillon, voyant qu'il est cassé..

Polly Pocket

Polly Pocket

Join Polly and her friends as they travel to her father's island in the Pacific to do research on lunar eclipses. But the pressure is on! If they don't get a good grade for the project, Lila will be grounded and Polly's band, "Polly and the Pockets" won't be able to play at the school dance! Will they ace the project and get to play? Or will frenemies get in the way....

Polly World

Polly World

Polly et ses camarades de classe fréquentent le plus fabuleux parc d'attractions du monde et participent à une version caritative de leur émission de méga-réalité préférée, "Roll Like That !" La seule chose qui les empêche de gagner le premier prix est la future belle-mère de Polly et sa camarade de classe jalouse, Beth. Mais il n'y a rien qu'une petite fille ne puisse surmonter !.

Polly Pocket: 2 Cool at the Pocket Plaza

Polly Pocket: 2 Cool at the Pocket Plaza

Polly's Dad is opening his cool new hotel, and Polly's friends are invited to the party. Even her cousin Pia who flies in from England. Polly and her friends band are going to warm up for a rock star on live tv. Then the three jealous girls from Polly's school start to cause trouble for Polly's friends and her cousin Pia..

Polly Pocket Friends Finish First

Polly Pocket Friends Finish First

Polly and her friends are selected to be on celebrity Dr. Professor Cassandra Alexandra's game show, but when Alexandra rigs the game in order to cheat and manipulates Polly into abandoning her friends, Polly has to stop her..