

Où voir Picnic Netflix



En revenant sur le sol natal sans attaches ni fortune, Hal bouleverse la routine et les perspectives conjugales dans une petite ville du Kansas où les vacances d'été touchent à leur fin..



A southern bell falls for a handsome drifter with no prospects, going against her parents' wishes to marry a rich businessman..



The son of the richest man in town wants to marry the town's beauty queen, but she meets a more interesting stranger who just got off the train..



Picnic is a television talk show from the Mexican TV network Telehit, hosted by Melissa, Angie and Olivia. This show features fashion tips, music, lifestyle and advise for teenagers and girls of all ages..



Picnic is a 1975 Indian Malayalam film, directed by J. Sasikumar and produced by CC Baby and VM Chandi. The film stars Prem Nazir, Lakshmi, Unnimary and Adoor Bhasi in lead roles. The film had musical score by M. K. Arjunan..



The littlest mouse disappears on the way to a family outing, temporarily putting a damper on the fun and games..



A warmhearted slice-of-life story showing viewers how important family reunions are, psychologically and emotionally. But also a satire of white privileged church going South African society and their normalization..



Beginning in the reality of American middle-class life, Picnic portrays the idealistic dream-quest of the protagonist, from which he is finally cast off..



Three couples go on a picnic date to a riverside unbeknownst to their families. On the way back their car breaks down forcing them to spend the night in a nearby inn. During their stay, each couple must go through a test to prove their love..

Otherside Picnic

Otherside Picnic

« Le Sinueux », « Dame Hasshaku », « la gare de Kisaragi »… Ces créatures dangereuses de légendes urbaines apparaissent dans le versomonde. C'est un monde voisin du nôtre et empli de mystères. Kamikoshi Sorawo a découvert le versomonde derrière la porte d'un bâtiment abandonné, et y fait la connaissance de Nishina Toriko. Cette rencontre va totalement bouleverser la vie de Sorawo. Toriko demande à Sorawo de l'aider à explorer le versomonde. Elle y recherche une jeune fille disparue nommée « Satsuki ». Sorawo accepte d'aider Toriko pour pouvoir explorer et étudier cet autre monde, mais aussi gagner de l'argent. C'est le début pour elles d'une lutte pour leur survie dans un monde inconnu empli de créatures étranges..

Night Time Picnic

Night Time Picnic

Takako's high school has a unique tradition. Every year, the school's 1000 students walk 80 kilometers in 24 hours. As this is her final year of high school, Takako decides to work up the courage to talk to her stepbrother You, whom she has never spoken to before. Classmates who are unaware of their relationship read something more into their awkward overtures..