

Où voir Petrified Netflix



Deux agents du FBI suivent la trace d'une momie extraterrestre qui pétrifie ses victimes. Les cadavres statufiés que laisse la momie sur son passage, les entrainent dans une clinique isolée. Là, un savant poursuit des recherches pour percer le secret de la vie éternelle, utilisant pour cobayes des nymphomanes lesbiennes agées de plusieurs siècles. Le carnage s'annonce torride....

La Forêt pétrifiée

La Forêt pétrifiée

Dans la région désertique de la Forêt Pétrifiée, l'écrivain-voyageur Alan Squier fait une halte pour se restaurer dans la petite station multiservices tenue par trois générations de Maple, dont la jeune et jolie Gabrielle, qui rêve de partir en France rejoindre sa mère à Bourges pour étudier l'art. Celle-ci lui lit son poème préféré de François Villon, lui montre ses dessins. L'affinité se crée entre les deux âmes cherchant à fuir. Car l'écrivain est sans œuvres et erre sans le sou. Le soupirant du coin interrompt leurs adieux qui seront bientôt rendus provisoires par l'irruption d'un gangster sans foi ni loi....

Le Monde pétrifié

Le Monde pétrifié

Le professeur Millard Wyman (John Carradine) envoie un équipage de deux hommes, Paul Whitmore (Allen Windsor) et Craig Randall (Robert Clarke), et deux femmes Lauri Talbott (Sheila Noonan) et Dale Marshall (Phyllis Coates), jusqu'aux profondeurs de l'océan jamais avant exploré. Mais, il y a un problème technique lors du lancement. La cloche de plongée se détache du câble qui les relie à la surface et perd le contact avec la surface. La mission serait perdue..

The Petrified Forest

The Petrified Forest

Gabrielle Maple works in a dusty desert gas station-café, but yearns for the life of an artist in France, knowing there must be something finer than the provincial dead-end she is trapped in. A hitch-hiking writer, the disillusioned Alan Squier, appears and revitalizes her dreams of a better place, and finds his own sense of worth refreshed by this vital young girl. When Duke Mantee and his gang, wanted killers, show up and take hostages, Gabrielle falls in love with the poetic Alan, and Squier begins to see a way to give Gabby the life she deserves..

The Petrified Dog

The Petrified Dog

Chases within chases. A mother runs after a child. A man seems to be pursuing himself. A woman who has been nibbling her lipstick through half of the film is pursued by a man. Scrambled Alice in Wonderland with brutiste soundtrack. The pursuit of art is represented by a painter daubing at a landscape in an empty frame..

La forêt pétrifiée

La forêt pétrifiée

Basé sur un roman de Shintaro Ishihara, il s'agit d'un drame sur les relations complexes entre parents et enfants. Haruo passe tout son temps à travailler à l'hôpital universitaire, lorsqu'il rencontre un ami d'enfance. Ils ont une liaison et elle le convainc d'empoisonner son patron et amant. D'un autre côté, la mère de Haruo, qui l'avait abandonné, revient pour récupérer son fils perdu..

Mr. Petrified Forrest

Mr. Petrified Forrest

In Matt Reeves' directorial debut, a passport photographer named Steven Forrest is petrified of death following the sudden demise of his fearless buddy in a martini accident..

The Petrified Forest: A Picture Poem

The Petrified Forest: A Picture Poem

This is a picture of the petrified forest: a journey through the sights and moods of a land full of wonder. It is a new concept, its creators purposefully veering far from the traditional narrative travelogue, wishing instead to give the viewer a moving and emotional experience. The deep feelings evoked by the petrified forest are revealed in the artful blending of soul-moving music and stunning images. It captures scenes virtually inaccessible to most visitors: sunrises, sunsets and moonrises when the park is not open; virgin snow after a winter storm when park officials closed the road and turned back travelers. Here, the viewer can also experience the changing of seasons, rarely seen wildlife, and the unusual sight of a river flowing through these desert highlands. This picture poem allows an understanding of the petrified forest that comes from the heart and soul, as well as the mind. Music by Deuter..

Dreams from a Petrified Head

Dreams from a Petrified Head

Amanda Sage was a dissident whose beliefs and ideas retain the power to disturb a long established mode of living. A restless public is re-awakening long after her death fueled by the recordings of her anti-government speeches. Jeremy's new job entails rewriting her words and her visual image; nullifying and softening the impact of her heartfelt rhetoric. While working to comprehend her lectures, to effectively alter them, he chooses a taboo course of action; he dumps her stored memory into an android body made in her likeness. This brings him dangerously close to her and her message..

Golem, le jardin pétrifié

Golem, le jardin pétrifié

Danny Cornish, une sorte d'apatride qui organise des expositions d'art, est appelé de Tel Aviv à Paris pour lui annoncer la mort d'un grand-oncle, à Birobidjan, la zone juive autonome de Russie, lui laissant une précieuse collection d'art et la main de une immense sculpture d'un Golem. Le testament de l'oncle demande à Danny de retrouver le reste de la statue, alors Danny, qui ne parle pas russe, se lance dans un voyage qui l'emmène (ainsi que la main du Golem) à Moscou, Saint-Pétersbourg et en Sibérie, tâtonnant avec les employés des hôtels, les taxis. les conducteurs et les bureaucrates, suivant des pistes et faisant des découvertes sur les mythes, les récits, l'art et l'espoir..

steinrunnin (petrified)

steinrunnin (petrified)

'Steinrunninn' is a lyrical exploration of collective and cultural eruptions in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the westman islands volcanic outbursts. Using analogue film observations, steinrunninn maps the personal to broader connotations of cultural and ecological histories. Filmed in the summer of 2021, in the immediate aftermath of the first waves of the covid-19 pandemic, the work contrasts geographical deep time with the communal aftershocks and impacts of singular events.

Gardens Petrified

Gardens Petrified

After his father's death, Yusuf goes to his village, where he has not been for years, and learns that a geothermal company wants to buy his father's agricultural lands and drill a well. He wants to solve problems without disrespecting his father's memory, but things don't go as he hoped..

Garuda 19: Petrified Spirit

Garuda 19: Petrified Spirit

Team beat Vietnam in the AFF U-19 Cup, 2013, in Sidoarjo and entitled to bring home the first trophy earned by the Indonesian national team since 22 years earlier. Then the story looks back at the footsteps of the ’s players, when they began to be recruited by Indra Sjafri and his team. The trip was enjoyed by all the players, like Yazid, (Konawe from South, Southeast Sulawesi), Sahrul (from Ngawi, East Java) and Jabez (from Alor, East Nusa Tenggara). Indra Sjafri and his team pick up and unite them with Dimas Evan et al in . They both feel the bitterness and joy. Indra Sjafri cs must raise their mental by injecting the spirit..

The Stone Forest

The Stone Forest

The god Wotan gives the young Prince Sigmund of Valhalla and his sister Brunhilde, the leader of the Valkyries, the task of defending the Petrified Forest. This is threatened by the Vikings (led by the aggressive Hunding), who plans an invasion of the forest in search of the secret treasure of the Nibelung, the possession of which gives one unlimited power. After crossing the border and invading Valhalla, Hunding finds an ally in the daughter of one of Sigmund's loyal followers, Erika, who is embittered by unrequited love. She helps the Vikings raid the camp of the Valhalla residents and kill many warriors. Sigmund swears vengeance and pursues them with the remaining men. However, thanks to other traitors in Sigmund's ranks, Hunding succeeds in capturing him and his fiancée Siglinde, Erika's sister. At the end, Sigmund escapes and, with the help of the Valkiries, succeeds in stopping the invaders and defeating Hunding in a duel..