

Où voir Our Times Netflix

Our Times

Our Times

Truly est une travailleuse ordinaire dans un bureau. Sa vie amoureuse n'a rien de palpitant et ses collègues se moquent d'elle derrière son dos. Un jour, découragée, elle ressort un enregistrement d'une vieille chanson de Andy Lau qui la ramène à ses jours de jeunesse. Elle a le béguin pour Ouyang Fei Fan, le garçon le plus populaire de l'école. Un jour, elle reçoit une chaîne de lettres la mettant en garde d'une catastrophe imminente. Naivement, elle la passe à Xu Tai Yu, le voyou le plus célèbre de l'école, son professeur de mathématiques ainsi qu'à Tao Min Min, la fille populaire. Pendant que Tai Yu lisait la lettre, il se fait infliger une blessure lors d'un accident de voiture. Après avoir appris que c'était Truly qui lui avait envoyé la lettre, il fait d'elle son "amie" et lui fait faire ses courses en échange de laisser Fei Fan tranquille..

In Our Time

In Our Time

L'enfance dans les années 50, l'adolescence dans les années 60, les années lycée dans les années 70 et le début de la vie d'adulte dans les années 80. Un film collectif sur la jeunesse, réalisé par quatre jeunes réalisateurs taïwanais..

Our Times

Our Times

In the early 1990s, with the deepening of reform and opening up, the development of the information industry opened a new page. Xiao Chuang and Pei Qing Hua, two stunned young people from the Institute of Computer Science and Technology of Yenching University, entered the business by stealing a Han card and were selected by the director Tan Qi Zhang to join the trend of computer sales. The researchers, headed by the two, looked at the right time, caught the policy breeze, started from acting as a foreign computer agent, and transitioned to independent research and development, from grassroots to a generation of business wizards. At the same time, it records the history of China's rapid development at the end of the 20th century. Adapted from the novel of the same name by Wang Qiang..

Our Glamorous Time

Our Glamorous Time

Li Zhi Cheng is a former soldier who has been ordered to take over his family's business when business was going downhill. He has a fateful meeting with Lin Qian, an independent and capable white-collar who was freshly graduated and meeting difficulties in starting up her own business. Due to Li Zhi Cheng's complete lack of experience in business, nobody in the industry had hopes in this newly appointed CEO of AiDa. But with the help of Lin Qian's working experience and drive, coupled with Li Zhi Cheng's wits and methods, they bring Ai Da's business to new heights together..

Trevor Moore: The Story of Our Times

Trevor Moore: The Story of Our Times

Trevor Moore's special finds him struggling through an insufferable brunch with his girlfriend and her friends as they discuss pop culture and hot-button issues. Naturally, he can't stop himself from expressing his own views on the topics through a series of songs and music videos, including "My Computer Became Self Aware" and "Bullies.".

Himala: A Dialectic for Our Times

Himala: A Dialectic for Our Times

To this day, Ishmael Bernal's movie Himala is still in our town, in our world. This will be reflected in the broader perspective of the majority, of the surrounding events. Beliefs still lie in the truth. Consciousness is still dominant at the level of illusion. The naive, savage, cruel, and selfish politics still prevail..

A Painter of Our Times

A Painter of Our Times

Husain is a painter of our time. In his work there is no dilemma of being born between tradition and modernity, Indianness and Westerness. Maqbul Fida Husain was born in the town of Sholapur. His grandfather was a tinsmith, his father a clerk. The family suffered heavily at the time of depression. Husain's schooling ended early and attempts to take up professions such as tailoring failed. However, an attempt to train him as a priest eventually led Husain to take deep interest in Islamic literature and calligraphy.His painting life began when he migrated to Bombay in 1937 at the age of 22. For many years, he painted gigantic billboards which announed the glories of the Bombay cinema. Husain has become a living legend now. This film shows various works of the painter,while presenting his preoccupations as an artist..

Revolution of Our Times

Revolution of Our Times

Throughout Hong Kong’s history, Hongkongers have fought for freedom and democracy but have yet to succeed. In 2019, a controversial extradition bill was introduced that would allow Hongkongers to be tried in mainland China. This decision spurred massive protests, riots, and resistance against heavy-handed Chinese rule over the City-State. Award-winning director Kiwi Chow documents the events to tell the story of the movement, with both a macro view of its historical context and footage and interviews from protestors on the front lines..