

Où voir On My Own Netflix

On My Own

On My Own

Simon Henderson is at boarding school in Canada while his father works in Hong Kong, and his mother lives in England. When his parents visit him in the holidays, Simon discovers that his mother has schizophrenia..

My Own Private Idaho

My Own Private Idaho

Mike et Scott vivent parmi les marginaux de Portland, partageant leur solitude, les drogues et les hommes ou femmes à qui ils se vendent. Mike est introverti, homo et souffre de crises de narcolepsie. Enfant abandonné, il est obsédé par l'idée de retrouver sa mère. Scott, lui, est le fils du maire de la ville, un homme qu'il déteste et qui cherche à lui imposer un avenir tout tracé. Mike ne cache pas son amour à Scott, qui se refuse pourtant à lui. Ensemble, ils prennent la route pour retrouver la mère de Mike. Le voyage les mène en Idaho, puis au-delà, bouleversant leurs valeurs mutuelles....

vertical on my own

vertical on my own

A large horizontal shadow fills the frame from edge to edge. We never see who makes the shadow. We know that only something vertical can cast a horizontal shadow..

Happy On My Own

Happy On My Own

In a distant memory, a lover is revisited with the intention of making peace with their broken relationship. But as details begin to unfold, the situation takes a sour turn..

Getting High on My Own Sperm

Getting High on My Own Sperm

A bored boy named Boris accidentally smokes his own sperm and starts to trip on it. Boris discovers that his trip is even stronger than taking acid. He uploads a video of himself online, smoking his sperm. Getting high on sperm becomes a hit. It changes the world and might even destroy it..

My Own Man

My Own Man

Apprenant qu'il va avoir un fils, un homme cherche à calmer ses angoisses et s'embarque dans une quête émouvante et drôle pour découvrir ce que c'est qu'être un homme..

Peter Doherty - Stranger In My Own Skin

Peter Doherty - Stranger In My Own Skin

Un documentaire événement sur la vie de la rockstar britannique Peter Doherty et son combat contre l’addiction aux drogues dures. La réalisatrice et musicienne Katia deVidas, qui est également sa compagne, a filmé de Peter Doherty sur une période de 10 ans. Ce film suit la descente aux enfers du chanteur et songwriter des Libertines, alors même que sa popularité atteignait des sommets, et son combat pour vaincre ses démons..

On My Own

On My Own

A lonely beautician suffering from the onset of menopause is encouraged by her young client to pursue a love interest. The two women, youthful and aging, find unexpected insight in the advice of the other.

Master of My Own

Master of My Own

A story about one subduing the other follows the "T-Rex" boss and his "animal trainer." Ning Meng has always dreamed of moving up the corporate ladder to become a director, but her boss doesn't think that she has what it takes to succeed in the investing world..

Toute grande toute seule

Toute grande toute seule

They want a great man. They talk about it, about him, about the one they're looking for. And I don't tell them everything you're not, and I drink to stop looking for the man they're looking for..

With My Own Eyes

With My Own Eyes

A large family reside in different Ukrainian cities. Mother and Father live in the Kiev suburbs, the oldest daughter in Mariupol, the second of the three in Vinnitsa, and the youngest in Chernigov. The son went on a work trip to Donetsk. Exactly in these cities on 24 February, they were caught by the war. All, by one way or another, find themselves in a bunker or shelter. The only means of communication is phone and video calls..