

Où voir Odds Are Netflix

Odds Are

Odds Are

Three college students play a challenge game called Odds Are... It quickly erupts into a nightmare for the participants who find themselves caught in an unpredictable web of deceit and survival. Based on actual events..

Odds To Win

Odds To Win

In the year 1941, Nazi Germany declares war against the Soviet Union. Given that Manchukuo's loyalties lie with Cheng Tian, the Russians are caught in a situation where they face threats on all sides. Their intelligence agency devises a long-term plan in secret. Communist spy Tang Fei (Liu Yunlong) receives a mission to infiltrate the enemy by pretending to be one of their own. At the Security Bureau, he crosses paths with Cai Meng (Han Chae Young), a woman determined to fight against the Japanese regime. They gain each other's trust as they try to outsmart the enemy within their own territory..

What Are The Odds?

What Are The Odds?

The mostly true story of seven friends mortgaging the future to rock in the present... a film by Fiona Woodman featuring footage from Alien Boy and Cool Original's summer 2019 "Never Stop Hanging Out Tour".

The Odd Couple

The Odd Couple

Le Odd Couple, formés de Sammo (roi de Sabres) et de Lau Kar Wing (King of Spears), rivalisent régulièrement l'un contre l'autre. Les deux décident de recruter des jeunes élèves et de les former. L'entrée tardive du vrai méchant le couvant Rire Bandit qui arbore une grande cicatrice, a une rancune encore plus contre les Kings de Sabres et Spear. Le film commence par un classique de la Shaw Brothers exposition des dix-huit armes de kung fu. Cette séquence d'ouverture séminale a été pratiquement répété quatre ans plus tard avec armes légendaires de Lau Kar Leung de la Chine ....

Against All Odds

Against All Odds

Zakhar is the head of a big family who spent all his life living in a village in a private house. He is also the only one who refused to sell the land for the construction of a new residential complex. After all, not only his right to private property but also his happy memories are under threat: the old forest he knew since he was little was cut down, and the pond where he used to fish with his father was drained. Moreover, his grandson fell in love with the developer's daughter! While life seems to fall completely apart, Zakhar, together with his family, decides to stand his ground to the very end against urban developers, dissatisfied tenants of the newly built high-rise, and total injustice..

Odd Perfect Match

Odd Perfect Match

Kai Ying Tai is the heir of a wealthy family. His dream is to become a famous writer, but his father does not agree with such a career path, so Ying Tai leaves home in order to pursue his dreams. Looking for inspiration for a new book, he meets Huai Zhen, who by mistake accuses him of murder. Ying Tai decides to take revenge on it and use it as a major theme of his book, provoking various events. That is, until, when his heart starts to pound for Huai Zhen. Which turns out to be stronger - love or dreams for the release of the book?.

11 Nin Mo Iru

11 Nin Mo Iru

Minoru Sanada (Seiichi Tanabe) est un photographe ayant mis de coté son métier après la mort de sa première femme. Sa deuxième épouse Megumi (Yasuko Mitsuura) dirige un café, mais celui-ci n'a pas de clients. Et le couple élève 8 enfants. Kazuo Sanada (Ryunosuke Kamiki) est l'aîné de la famille qui estime qu'il doit subvenir aux besoins de la famille quite à se sacrifier. Il met de coté ses études pour commencer un travail à temps partiel. Mais lors d'une réunion de famille, une 11ème personne apparaît mystérieusement ....

The Odd Carrot

The Odd Carrot

Two bunnies find a precious thin carrot, only to have it stolen by an angry badger. They are often bullied by the bigger beasts of the forest, until the bunnies stumble upon a mysterious, medium-sized vegetable, setting in motion a chain of events that will change their fate forever..

Un petit boulot

Un petit boulot

Jacques habite une petite ville dont tous les habitants ont été mis sur la paille suite à un licenciement boursier. L’usine a fermé, sa copine est partie et les dettes s’accumulent. Alors quand le bookmaker mafieux du coin, lui propose de tuer sa femme, Jacques accepte volontiers….

Le Pont

Le Pont

Sicile, 1943. Le colonel Capece a pour mission de détruire le Pont de César. Le destin des troupes basées autour du pont repose sur les épaules des hommes du général Brick..

L'Étrange Obsession

L'Étrange Obsession

Un respectable professeur ne parvient plus à satisfaire les exigences sexuelles de sa jeune femme. Il s'aperçoit que la jalousie peut être un excellent stimulant. Il tente alors de rapprocher son épouse, Ikuko, de son jeune médecin Kimura, qui est aussi son gendre. Il profite du sommeil d'Ikuko pour la photographier nue et livrer les négatifs à Kimura. Mais cette manœuvre ne lui sert à rien : il est bientôt terrassé par une crise cardiaque..

An Odd Turn

An Odd Turn

Buenos Aires, 2019. Lucrecia, who jobs as a museum security guard, foresees a sharp rise in the dollar’s value with her pendulum and falls in love with a currency exchange house employee..