

Où voir Obituaries Netflix



Two old men in a nursing home engage in an ongoing competition. When the home is due to receive a visit from a member of the royal family, only one of them will be able to be represented..



A chronicle of lives lost in a school shooting. In the wake of another tragedy, we get a glimpse of each victim and see who they were, who they loved, who they hurt, and who they wanted to be..

Obituary for a Murderer

Obituary for a Murderer

Automne 1990, un jeune Autrichien se rend à une fête organisée par certains de ses amis et provoque un hideux bain de sang. Comme un reflet de la réalité quotidienne et une représentation crue de l'horreur de ce crime extrême, Michael Haneke a composé un collage expérimental de matériel recueilli au cours d'une journée de diffusion de l'ORF (télévision autrichienne), en utilisant chaque partie proportionnellement au temps qui lui était alloué dans la grille des programmes..

Obituary au Hellfest

Obituary au Hellfest

Obituary a tous les atouts pour faire grésiller les tympans ! Obituary : ces vétérans du death metal façonnent depuis 1984 un style impétueux aux riffs incisifs, surplombés de grommèlements sauvages. Old school, excessifs et terribles, ils révèlent l’année dernière un dernier opus Inked In Blood, où demeure l’efficacité des débuts, garantie par des guitares hystériques et des grondements enragés. Un appel allègre à la mutinerie. Concert capté lors de l'édition 2015 du Hellfest..

The Obituary of Tunde Johnson

The Obituary of Tunde Johnson

A wealthy, Nigerian-American teenager is pulled over by police, shot to death, and immediately awakens, trapped in a terrifying time loop that forces him to confront difficult truths about his life and himself..

Obituary: Live Xecution

Obituary: Live Xecution

Obituary is a North American death metal band formed in 1985 in Tampa, Florida under the name Executioner, then changed the name's spelling to Xecutioner, and later changed their name to Obituary. The band comprises vocalist John Tardy, drummer Donald Tardy, guitarists Trevor Peres and Ralph Santolla and bassist Terry Butler. The band is a fundamental act in the development of death metal music and one of the most successful bands in its genre..

Obituary for Escobar

Obituary for Escobar

Serbian crime drama focusing on Belgrade's violent criminal underworld. Obituary For Escobar distinguishes itself from other recent crime dramas with its strong visual style and energetic approach. Borko was a young effeminate boy bullied at school by the self-styled 'Ghandi'. Years on, Ghandi is now a warlord, wrecking mayhem in pursuit of his ambition to become the leading drug lord in the Balkans. His execution of the rival 'Serbian Escobar' coincides with the mysterious placement of an obituary for the real Escobar by two stoners. In Ghandi's pursuit of the assailants he meets Lela, a stunning mystery woman who leads Ghandi to reconsider both "Borko" and his life in crime..

See You in the Obituary

See You in the Obituary

Made in the form of an extended news report and narrated by journalist Dina Čolić-Anđelković, the film presents a snapshot of the chaotic Belgrade criminal underworld in the early 1990s which sprung up against the backdrop of Yugoslav wars. The film is composed of fragments from interviews with individuals directly involved with criminal activities either through perpetrating them or through trying to stop them..



A journalist experiences the death of a friend and expects to become the next victim, but this is just fear. Too much tension in the air..

Obituary of a Beast

Obituary of a Beast

Between 1962 and 1966, sex murderer Jurgen Bartsch cruelly tortured and killed four children in an old air raid bunker in Germany. This documentary examines the personality of the killer who died in 1976 during voluntary castration surgery at the age of 30. Vilified by the press for his heinous crime, Bartsch also became a case study for famous found criminal psychologists like Alice Miller (who maintains that no one abuses without being abused as a child, and murderers tend to have their own childhood abuse denied by the adults around them). Bartsch never met his birth parents, he was raised in a clinic and later adopted by a cold, unaffectionate couple. By the age of 15, he tortured and killed his first child victim. This informative, fact-filled documentary provides enough details for viewers to come away with a broader understanding of the nature of the criminally insane and society's role in their formation..

What Remains - An Obituary on Wilhelmine and Bernard

What Remains - An Obituary on Wilhelmine and Bernard

The director’s grandparents Wilhelmine, an Austrian Catholic, and Bernard, a Jewish Czechoslovakian communist, have always been part of her life, although she never met them in person. Her uncle Hermann lives in what was once their house, with their furniture, Marx and Lenin busts, Hanukkah lamp, countless photos, letters and oil paintings. Through the film Judith Schein asks whether it is possible for a house and its interiors to narrate History..



Seong-jae, a maid of Yeong-dal's house, lives with her daughter Soon-i. Her neighboring village, Seok-ju, loves Soon-i. However, as Yeong-dal's scheme makes it difficult to make a living for sewing, Soon-i becomes Yeong-dal's concubine. Sewing, who saved her foundation thanks to her daughter, opened the tavern she had always dreamed of. However, Soon-i leaves a letter without saying a word and she leaves for Pyongyang. After a while, a large sum of 150 won was remitted from her Soon-i. There she became a whore. When Seong-bong learns of her, he takes her Seok-ju and goes to find her. However, the way to pay off her 500 won debt was vague. On a rainy night, Seong-joo robs her pawnshop and gives Seok-joo a bundle of stolen money and collapses. But it was a piece of her newspaper and she felt relieved that she was freed from sin. In front of Se-bong, the happy wedding scene between Seok-ju and Soon-i comes to mind..



Une nuit, un blogueur féru de films de d’horreurs, entré par effraction dans un cimetière, est surpris par l’étrange gardien des lieux. Le jeune homme tente alors de gagner du temps en faisant parler ce personnage bourru, et éviter ainsi qu’il n’appelle la police. Le gardien ouvre alors son poussiéreux " livre des tombes " et lui conte le destin des plus angoissants cadavres qu’il ait côtoyés. Des histoires macabres, peuplées de créatures malveillantes et de faits surnaturels, vont les conduire jusqu’au bout de cette nuit d’horreur..