

Où voir Night moves Netflix

Night moves

Night moves

Josh travaille dans une ferme biologique en Oregon. Au contact des activistes qu'il fréquente, ses convictions écologiques se radicalisent. Déterminé à agir, il s'associe à Dena, une jeune militante, et à Harmon, un homme au passé trouble. Ensemble, ils décident d'exécuter l'opération la plus spectaculaire de leur vie....

La Fugue

La Fugue

Harry est un privé. Chargé d'enquêter sur la disparition d'une adolescente, il la retrouve totalement désemparée sur une île, véritable plaque tournante d'un trafic de drogue. Atteint dans ses convictions, Harry remet en question sa propre existence..

Night Moves

Night Moves

In Takeshi Murata's video, in collaboration with Billy Grant, computer generated scans are utilized to recreate his every day environment in high tech 3D. The video starts in his studio, where his computer, desk and chair are “haunted” - dissolving and reforming in a myriad of mirrored shapes, going from recognizable to abstract to obliterated. The scans blend with Murata’s own computer rendered fragments, further emphasizing the high and low, real and unreal. The result can be seen as an homage to both Walt Disney’s The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and Bruce Nauman’s Mapping the Studio..

Night Moves

Night Moves

Ethan is a hardcore alcoholic due to the fact that his wife has left him. One night, in desperation, he calls a fantasy escort company. The girl who is sent over happens to be a real vampire. The two end up forming a strong connection with each other..

Lazer's Night Moves

Lazer's Night Moves

There's no escaping Rhineland's sensational, Speedo-clad techno/hip-hop group LAZER as they storm an unsuspecting Texas honky-tonk in this short film including the music video for their international smash-hit single, 'Night Moves.'.

La nuit remue

La nuit remue

Lila suffoque dans la chambre d'hopital de son frère, elle prend la route. Vintimille. Des femmes chargent un van pour une distribution de vivres aux réfugiés qui veulent passer la frontière. C'est Ramadan, il faut manger avant la prière. Du pain plein les bras, Lila tombe sur Youssef. Youssef ne parle pas un mot de français, et il a faim..

Night Moves

Night Moves

Deep in the night when everyone is fast asleep, funny shapes and jolly beasts rumble though the bedroom. There is so much to discover! Only the break of dawn will put an end to their nightly adventures. But dusk is only a stone’s throw away..

The Night She Moves

The Night She Moves

Max is around thirty and lives with Emma, his intimate friend. Unexpected news create a gap between them causing doubts and concerns to grow inside Max, pushing him to go out at night. Walking aimlessly, Max spends the night alone and accompanied by picturesque characters in remote places of Barcelona. A night of absurd and fantastic drunkenness that is at the same time an inner journey for Max. Yo la busco is a portrait of two friends, their breakup and the strange transforming walk through the nightlife of Barcelona..



Richard Turner made Squeeze to break the "conspiracy of silence" about homosexuality. A pioneering early portrait of Auckland's LGBT scene, Squeeze centres on the relationship between a young man (Paul Eady) and the confident executive (Robert Shannon) who romances him, then mentions he has a fiancée. The film was discussed in Parliament after Patricia Bartlett campaigned against the possibility it might get NZ Film Commission funding (it didn't). Kevin Thomas in The LA Times praised Squeeze's integrity and the "steadfast compassion with which it views its hero"..