

Où voir Men Up Netflix

Men Up

Men Up

In Morriston Hospital in Swansea in 1994 a group of ordinary middle-aged Welsh men stepped into the unknown by taking part in the world's first medical trials for the drug that became Viagra..

Clean Up Men

Clean Up Men

Searching for enough cash to save their uncle's dry cleaning business, desperate brothers Reggie (Shawty Shawty) and Keith (Roland Powell) get caught up in an organized car theft ring. But the trouble really starts when they get into hock with the crime boss who's running the show (Miguel Nunez Jr.). Now, they've got two choices: work off their debt as criminals or turn the bad guy in to the cops (Juicy J and Katalina Parrish)..

White Men Are Cracking Up

White Men Are Cracking Up

Maisie Blue is an enigmatic black widow figure under investigation by detective Margrave for her involvement in the suicides of successful white men. Through the blurred lines of perception and reality, the myth of the black feminine mystique is explored under the guise of a murder mystery. The film explores the fetishisation of black women as a manifestation of white male insecurity..

Keeping Up with the Joneses: Men’s Styles

Keeping Up with the Joneses: Men’s Styles

A domestic comedy about the McGinis family—husband Aloysius, wife Clarice, daughter Julie, and housemaid Belladonna. The simple story lines often parody society's concern with material goods as an indicator of social standing, but the series was not as narrowly focused as the title implies. The Joneses were the McGinis's neighbors, but were not depicted. They were referred to as objects of envy, with whom the McGinis family was "trying to keep up." In this film, Pa McGinis decides to buy a new hat..

To Ship Someone

To Ship Someone

Ji Shu is a young writer of popular novels. His books are a hit among their many fans, but Ji Shu is blighted by emotional apathy and pessimism writer. His novels ultimately reflect this bleak outlook and almost universally end in tragedy. In many ways, he is the quintessential BE (bad ending) writer. By contrast, Song Yan Qi is an optimistic film and drama series planner. She loves happy ending (HE) stories. Song Yan Qi would like to adapt a Ji Shu novel for the screen but would ideally like to ensure the story ends happily – something Ji Shu cannot accept. But the duo’s lives are thrown into chaos when they are sucked into the world of the novel. As they begin to “live” the lives of Ji Shu’s characters, they begin to “rewrite” the story – and become drawn to one another. But will their own love stories end in joy – or sadness?.

Giving It Up

Giving It Up

A womanizing New York adman attempts to identify the causes of, and find a remedy for, his so-called addiction to sex, in order to win the love of a woman he respects..

Gosses De Tokyo

Gosses De Tokyo

Les enfants d'un employé de bureau entament une grève de la faim le jour où ils découvrent que leur père se conduit en véritable laquais devant son patron afin d'être bien vu..

Sois belle et tais-toi

Sois belle et tais-toi

Virginie Dumaillet s'échappe pour la troisième fois de la maison de redressement et est poursuivie par la police. Une nuit, une bijouterie de la place Vendôme est cambriolée. Jean, jeune inspecteur de police, recherche les cambrioleurs et rencontre Virginie qu'il prend pour une complice de la bande, elle-même le prenant pour un caïd du milieu. Elle en tombe amoureuse. Apprenant la vérité, et bien que furieuse de s'être trompée, elle accepte Jean en mariage. Mais le passé de Virginie resurgit. Elle retrouve ses copains Loulou et Pierrot qui font du trafic d'appareils photo pour le compte de Raphaël, qui opère également dans le cambriolage des bijouteries. Elle va les aider à passer la frontière. À l'insu des jeunes gens, Raphaël a caché des bijoux dans l'un des appareils photo....