

Où voir Masterless Netflix



Kane Madison est un architecte travaillant à Los Angeles tandis que son esprit de sosie, un Ronin du XVIIIe siècle, erre dans un monde souterrain parallèle de démons masqués et d'épéistes japonais. Lorsque la tragédie frappe, Kane se lance dans un voyage de foi qui incite le Ronin à rechercher son véritable maître dans le monde des esprits ... tous deux affronteront de nombreuses batailles le long de leurs routes entrelacées vers la paix..

The 47 Masterless Samurai

The 47 Masterless Samurai

While the story of the Ako Clan's vendetta has been told countless times, never before has there been an array of major motion picture stars to bring new life to this timeless tale. Starting with the corrup practices of Lord Kira and Yanagi-sawa, the Shogun's Secretary, which in essence led to the incident of Lord Asano's attacking Kira in the Pine Corridor of the Shogun's Palace, this is the definitive version. Asano Takumi no kami was a young lord with high scruples, who refused to join in the general corruption and bribery which ran rampant in the capital at that time. By not giving bribes, he angered Kira Kozuke no suke the elder lord in charge of protocol at the Palace. Refusing to teach the younger man, and giving him false instructions was only the beginning. Insults followed, and a man of honor had no choice but to draw his sword in anger. Forty seven masterless samurai are willing to give their lives to avenge their lord..

Akō Rōshi

Akō Rōshi

"Ako Roshi" is a group of 47 former retainers of Lord Asano. Lord Asano was forced to commit suicide after attempting to kill Lord Kira. Once the retainers hear about their Lord's death, they sacrifice their lives to regain the honor of their former master..



Dans une petite bourgade, la taverne tenue par Tahei sert de repère aux prostituées, ronins... Goemon, protecteur des ces dames mène une vie d'alcool et de petits duels. A ses côtés est Oshin, plus belle et plus expérimentée des prostituées. Gonbei est un ronin solitaire secrètement amoureux d’Oshin. Un jour, une prostituée est retrouvée sauvagement assassinée... Suit alors une vague de meurtres visant essentiellement les prostituées. Tahei, témoin de l’un d'eux, est assassiné à son tour....