

Où voir Madhouse Netflix



Alarmé par l'atmosphère pesante et sordide de l'asile dans lequel il vient d'être affecté, Clark Stevens, jeune interne en psychiatrie, décide d'enquêter sur le passé de cet hôpital. Il rencontre alors un étrange patient qui semble pouvoir lui en apprendre davantage sur le petit garçon qui arpente les couloirs la nuit....



L'acteur Paul Toombes, connu pour son rôle horrifique du Dr Death, souffre de dépression après avoir travaillé en Angleterre sur une série télé. C'est alors que les anciens partenaires de Toombes commençent à être victimes d'assassinats aux déroulements conformes à certains crimes apparaissant dans les vieux films dans lesquels le comédien apparait....



La luxueuse villa de Mark et Jessie Bannister, un couple de yuppie, est envahie par une foule d'invités non invités qui mettent la maison sens dessus dessous..



Sur les conseils de son oncle, Julia décide de rendre visite à sa sœur jumelle Mary qu’elle n’a pas vue depuis plusieurs années et qui est internée dans un institut psychiatrique. Lors des retrouvailles, une violente dispute éclate entre les deux jeunes femmes plongeant Julia dans de douloureux souvenirs remontant à son enfance. Terrorisée par sa sœur, elle s’enfuie bien décidée à tirer un trait sur cette relation malsaine qui les oppose depuis toujours. Lorsque Julia apprend à quelques jours de son anniversaire que Mary s’est échappée de l’asile, elle sombre dans la terreur d’autant plus que des évènements inquiétants se produisent autour d’elle : des bruits étranges se font entendre dans sa maison, une présence menaçante semble errer dans les couloirs et ses amis disparaissent les uns après les autres sans laisser de traces..



MadHouse was a TV series that aired on the American cable History Channel in 2010. It follows four teams of Modified class race car drivers through the 2009 season at Bowman Gray Stadium. The Modified Division is NASCAR's oldest division, and while the Northeast is the most popular region for this class of motorsport, it is a fan favorite at the Piedmont Triad's quarter-mile speedway. Junior Miller, Tim "The Rocket" Brown, Burt and Jason Myers and Chris Fleming are the five drivers who are followed throughout the series. Later drivers Jonathan "Jon Boy" Brown, Austin Pack, and Gene Pack are introduced to the audience..

Escaping the Madhouse: The Nellie Bly Story

Escaping the Madhouse: The Nellie Bly Story

An investigative reporter Nellie Bly, who’s on a mission to expose the deplorable conditions and mistreatment of patients at the notorious Women’s Lunatic Asylum, and feigns mental illness in order to be institutionalized to report from the inside. The movie is an account of actual events surrounding Nellie’s stay beginning after she has undergone treatment, leaving her with no recollection of how she came to the asylum or her real identity..



The family of a former military man who is used to setting his own rules in any circumstances; a modern hipster family whose marriage is collapsing before our eyes; an aging actress with a young lover; a kept woman who was abandoned by her "daddy" and a crazy grandfather living in the attic. They will have to learn to accept each other with all the disadvantages, because they have no other living space..

10 Days in a Madhouse

10 Days in a Madhouse

Nellie Bly, a 23 year-old reporter for Joseph Pulitzer, goes undercover in the notorious Blackwell's Island women's insane asylum in order to expose corruption, abuse and murder..

Madhouse Mecca

Madhouse Mecca

When an underwhelmed housewife meets a mischievous exotic dancer with a taste for trouble, an unlikely friendship is formed that will change their lives forever..

Mental: A History of the Madhouse

Mental: A History of the Madhouse

Documentary which tells the fascinating and poignant story of the closure of Britain's mental asylums. In the post-war period, 150,000 people were hidden away in 120 of these vast Victorian institutions all across the country. Today, most mental patients, or service users as they are now called, live out in the community and the asylums have all but disappeared. Through powerful testimonies from patients, nurses and doctors, the film explores this seismic revolution and what it tells us about society's changing attitudes to mental illness over the last sixty years..

Tales from the Madhouse

Tales from the Madhouse

Set inside the crumbling walls of a dilapidated Victorian sanatorium, eight mysterious characters reveal their secret stories to the visiting camera. The eight are linked by one unifying and crucial event in their lives: each of them has had an encounter with Jesus of Nazareth in some way — an experience that has left an indelible mark..

The Madhouse on Castle Street

The Madhouse on Castle Street

A man mysteriously locks himself in a room in a boarding house leaving only a note saying he has decided to "retire from the world". His worried sister and the other boarders then try to discover why. This TV play is missing believed wiped from the BBC archives..

Madhouse Mess

Madhouse Mess

More than 700,000 federal workers have been sent home on unpaid leave. The Statue of Liberty, the iconic symbol of American freedom and prosperity, is cordoned off. An array of government services, including public health and food programs, have been abandoned. As Congress plays with fire, it is already taking its toll on the lives of ordinary Americans..