

Où voir Losers' Club Netflix

Losers' Club

Losers' Club

Kaan and Mete, co-hosts of a mid 1990s radio show called Kaybedenler Kulübü (Losers' Club), struggle to deal with their daily lives after their show becomes an instant hit. Kaan meets Zeynep, the girl of his dreams, but their relationship comes under pressure as the show continues to stir controversy and attract fans from every segment of Istanbul society..

El Club de los Insomnes

El Club de los Insomnes

Chaque nuit, Santiago se réfugie dans une supérette ouverte toute la nuit pour lutter contre l’insomnie. Il y retrouve Danny, la caissière, qui rêve de devenir photographe. Mais leurs conversations, rencontres avec des créatures nocturnes et parties improvisées de Scrabble, n’aident pas Santiago à résoudre ses problèmes, puisqu’il refuse d’affronter l’échec de son mariage et son travail morose. La routine des deux amis change lorsqu’Estela, une vétérinaire qui vient de découvrir sa grossesse, entre dans leur petit monde et change leurs vies plus que n’importe qui auparavant..

The Loser's Club

The Loser's Club

Nam is a small-time radio producer eager to be hottest producer in town. Nam promotes washed-up singer Kenny to gain public awareness and support. Kenny's loony stunts and bizarre diva-like behavior make him the talk of the town, and with Nam in tow, the two dominate the airwaves. They're called upon to host a countdown show. However, before the show goes on air, program manager Yiu asks that either Kenny be removed from the program or Nam will lose his job..

Kaybedenler Kulübü Yolda

Kaybedenler Kulübü Yolda

Kaan and Mete, who have a holiday in Olympos with a crowded Kadiköy group, travel to Istanbul with their engines. Two people are accompanied by two unexpected guests on their journey. This journey, which they do with various plans, shows them that the journey and the relations are not as planned at all..