

Où voir Lightnin' Netflix

White Lightnin'

White Lightnin'

Au coeur des montagnes Appalaches, en Virginie Occidentale, où tout homme possède une arme et de quoi distiller de l'alcool de contrebande, vit une légende : Jesco White.De sa jeunesse trempée dans les effluves d'essence en passant par de nombreux séjours en maison de redressement ou en hôpital psychiatrique, la vie tumultueuse et incandescente de Jesco se consumait dangereusement.Pour le sauver, son père tente de lui apprendre au moins une chose dans la vie : la danse ou plutôt une version frénétique de claquettes sur de la musique country.Propulsé sur le devant de la scène, applaudi aux quatre coins du pays, Jesco goûte à la vie et tombe amoureux.Mais, obsédé par la vengeance du meurtre son père, il réveille les démons qui sont en lui !.



Lightnin' and Mary Jones are co-owners of a hotel built right on a state border, used by divorcing wives so they can pretend to be in California while establishing residency in Nevada. When Lightnin' refuses to sell his share of the hotel to a gang of crooks, Mary is coerced into divorcing her husband so that she can sign over the deed herself..



Set in a hotel straddling the border between California and Nevada, this early John Ford comedy follows a female hotel owner's efforts to turn a profit and get some work out of her husband..

Lightnin' Les

Lightnin' Les

Lightnin' Hopkins sings about playing cards with Les Blank and Skip Gerson - a card game he won which turned critical to the making of the film "The Blues Accordin' To Lightnin' Hopkins." After filming 13 songs, Lightnin' had told Les and Skip that he was done filming. As a last resort Les asked Lightnin' to play cards and he lost $200. But then Lightnin' agreed to film more..

Lightnin' Jack

Lightnin' Jack

Wanted for a murder he didn't commit, Lightnin' Jack travels to Arizona where he gets a job on the Manning ranch. Two men are out to get the Manning ranch and see their chance when Manning decides to use Lightnin's horse in the big race. They get Manning to bet his ranch and then kidnap Lightnin' so he won't be there to ride..

Lightnin' Wins

Lightnin' Wins

Lightnin' the dog and his master, Tom Harding are on to a group of smugglers who operate down at the harbor. Tom nearly bags them, but he's overwhelmed and they take flight. His girlfriend bluffs her way into the gang's hideout, but is discovered and held back. Tom is again overpowered by the crooks and thrown in a secret dungeon, but he fights his way out..