

Où voir Killer Story Netflix

Killer Story

Killer Story

Three very modern adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe stories. Two old-time pulp writers get together to spin some horrific yarns, only they don't know they are caught up in a horror story of their own making..

Un tueur au visage d'ange

Un tueur au visage d'ange

Un couple est sauvagement agressé à coups de hache à son domicile. La femme attaquée est la seule à s'en sortir, mais elle est dans un état critique. L'inspecteur sur cette enquête a une fille qui entretient une relation amoureuse avec le fils des deux victimes... C'est d'ailleurs vers le jeune homme que se tournent les soupçons du policier ! Celui-ci nie être impliqué et est persuadé que c'est l'animosité que son beau-père possède à son égard qui fausse son jugement..

The Cannibal Killer: The Real Story of Jeffrey Dahmer

The Cannibal Killer: The Real Story of Jeffrey Dahmer

This is a fictitious, yet mostly historically accurate account of Jeffrey Dahmer's life as a serial killer, as narrated by Jeffrey Dahmer (Giancarlo Herrera) using many actual quotes. It shows part of his boyhood, and his first murder as a teenager. There are realistic depictions of several of his murders from pick up to dismemberment and eventual consumption, as well as his attempts to create "living zombies" by pouring hydrochloric acid into his victim's skulls. Dahmer's frequent interactions with his friendly neighbor and his grandmother are also shown. In essence, the story explores the psychodynamics of Jeffrey Dahmer's relationships with his victims both pre and postmortem..

Ultraman Zero Side Story: Killer the Beatstar - Stage I: Universe of Steel

Ultraman Zero Side Story: Killer the Beatstar - Stage I: Universe of Steel

One year after the battle with Belial's Galactic Empire, the members of Ultimate Force Zero returned to Planet Esmeralda to see Princess Emerana. They arrived to see her and Jean Bot captures by a mysterious artificial planet which then took of for another universe. In the Universe where the sphere fled to, Zap Spacy members Rei and Hyuga are forced to infiltrate it, as it is on a collision course with Planet Bram. Inside they encounter various robot monsters, that the Ultramen have fought in the past, all under the control of Beatstar, with one mission: "Destroy all organic life". After saving Emerana, they encounter a robot very similar to Jean Bot, Jean Killer. During their fight with Jean Killer, Zero learns from Jean Bot that Jean Killer is actually his twin brother. Ultimate Force Zero must now put a stop to Killer's rampage and defeat Beatstar in the process. This is part 1 of a 2-part special release to promote the movie Ultraman Saga..

Ultraman Zero Side Story: Killer the Beatstar - Stage II: Oath of the Meteor

Ultraman Zero Side Story: Killer the Beatstar - Stage II: Oath of the Meteor

One year after the battle with Belial's Galactic Empire, the members of Ultimate Force Zero returned to Planet Esmeralda to see Princess Emerana. They arrived to see her and Jean Bot captures by a mysterious artificial planet which then took of for another universe. In the Universe where the sphere fled to, Zap Spacy members Rei and Hyuga are forced to infiltrate it, as it is on a collision course with Planet Bram. Inside they encounter various robot monsters, that the Ultramen have fought in the past, all under the control of Beatstar, with one mission: "Destroy all organic life". After saving Emerana, they encounter a robot very similar to Jean Bot, Jean Killer. During their fight with Jean Killer, Zero learns from Jean Bot that Jean Killer is actually his twin brother. Ultimate Force Zero must now put a stop to Killer's rampage and defeat Beatstar in the process. This is part 2 of a 2-part special release to promote the movie Ultraman Saga..

Murder Hotel: The Story of America's First Serial Killer

Murder Hotel: The Story of America's First Serial Killer

A documentary about H.H. Holmes who was a famed serial killer in the late 1800s. He had a whole murder castle built specifically for that purpose. He spent nearly a decade hiring and firing builders to add pieces to his house that included pipes for pumping gas into bedrooms, a room built specifically to suffocate people, and a murder basement where he would strip the skin from his victims..

Inside the Mind of a Killer: The Brian Glaze Gibbs Story

Inside the Mind of a Killer: The Brian Glaze Gibbs Story

He ran the most infamous drug empire in Brooklyn. They unleashed a violent reign of destruction on the streets of New York that made George H. Bush campaign for the War On Drugs. He orchestrated robberies, kidnappings, murdered in cold blood, and beat the charges. This true crime documentary examines how Brian Glaze Gibbs saved his life and found redemption..

Flic Story

Flic Story

En 1947, l'inspecteur Roger Borniche traque sans relâche Émile Buisson, dangereux criminel évadé d'un asile psychiatrique. L'enquête durera trois ans..

Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy est un étudiant qui présente bien, a une petite amie et épie d'autres filles par leurs fenêtres d'appartements sous lesquelles il se masturbe. Un soir, il entre chez l'une d'elle, la frappe à coups de marteau, la viole tout en la martelant de coups de poing. Ainsi commence la triste carrière d'un " inadapté social " pour lequel le terme " serial-killer " fut inventé..

The Chris Watts Story

The Chris Watts Story

Lorsque Chris Watts a plaidé stoïquement, mais avec un sourire en coin, devant les caméras de télévision, pour que sa femme Shanann, enceinte et disparue, et leurs deux jeunes filles reviennent saines et sauves, de sombres secrets se cachaient juste sous la surface..

One Last Dance

One Last Dance

An assassin is hired to kill the men responsible for kidnapping an important man's son. With every death, the killer gets closer to the last kidnapper's name... his own..

Cult Killer

Cult Killer

On January 7th 2005, 29 year old Rick Rodriguez murdered his former nanny and then killed himself on a lonely desert highway. Hours earlier he had videoed his suicide note and this final message provided a remarkable insight into a deeply damaged life. It also lifted the lid on one of the most notorious religious cults to emerge out of the 1960s counter culture: The Children of God sect..

The Story of the Gun

The Story of the Gun

The police forces are on a mission to stop gunrunners dealing between Hong Kong and mainland China. Leading them is Hong Kong Superintendent Lau Chen Fai along with officer Sophia and a Shenzhen cop Kau. Leading the gunrunners is Master Tian, Lin Lo Hung, daughter of a communist official, and Shaw Lon from Taiwan..