

Où voir Kenneth Netflix



Kenneth's life is not going according to plan, he's just been fired from his job, a strange creature that only he can see has sinister plans for him, his girlfriend Kim is acting really strangely, and she's not crazy about Kenneth's new best friend, Peter, a tramp who's on the run from the army! Kenneth will have to battle with his new friend, his malevolent monster, his ex-boss, the police and his own troubled psyche before this story reaches its sweet and curious conclusion..

L'Assassinat de Kenneth Chamberlain

L'Assassinat de Kenneth Chamberlain

L’assassinat de Kenneth Chamberlain raconte l’histoire vraie des dernières heures de la vie de Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., un vétéran afro-américain âgé atteint de trouble bipolaire. Il a été tué lors d’un conflit avec des policiers envoyés à son domicile pour vérifier son état de santé, suite à l’activation par erreur de son dispositif d’alerte médicale..