

Où voir Kaagaz Netflix

Kaagaz 2

Kaagaz 2

When his daughter's life is compromised because of delay due to rallies and protests while getting her to the hospital, a man calls upon to resist this system and recall its fundamental rights in front of the court and the rest of the country..



Kaagaz (transl. Paper) is a biographical drama about a farmer, Lal Bihari's 19-year struggle to make himself come alive again when he is declared dead in Government records by interests keen to take over his assets..

Fleurs de papier

Fleurs de papier

Un réalisateur de renom, Suresh Sinha, recrute une nouvelle actrice pour son film. Un drame familial l'empêche de réaliser les films qui lui conviennent. En raison des tourments émotionnels, le réalisateur tombe de haut, tandis que l'actrice qui est maintenant la reine de l'industrie tente de le sauver....

Kaagaz Ki Nao

Kaagaz Ki Nao

A social drama, it tackles the contradictions prevalent in society. Kumar, a respectable wealthy man to the outside world, in fact leads a life of debauchery. His son is just the contrary to his father. In the clash of the paths, the boy makes his father confess to his crimes. The boy, has a happy re-union with his mother, whom he considered all along to be dead..

Kora Kagaz

Kora Kagaz

A chance encounter while traveling by BEST bus service in Bombay gets two young people to meet. One of which is Professor Sukesh Dutt, and the other is Archana Gupta. They meet again, and are formally introduced to each other. Both are attracted to each other, and get married. But Archana's mother does not approve of Sukesh, due to his modest income. She makes up stories about their affluence, which offend Sukesh when he finds out. As a result, there is acrimony between Archana and Sukesh, and both separate. Archana goes to live with her parents, while Sukesh relocates. Archana's family would like her to forget Sukesh, and re-marry. But Archana finds that she still has feelings for Sukesh. But does Sukesh have the same feelings for Archana?.