

Où voir Just a Kid Netflix

Just a Cute Kid

Just a Cute Kid

When he has to pay a debt to a fearsome money lender, a man accepts the help of a friend who takes him to a scientist where he can sell his body, but things get worse than expected..

Just a Kid from Fall River

Just a Kid from Fall River

So much of life is focused the achieving specific goals. But the real prize lies within the journey to reach those goals. The life of Marc Megna exemplifies the drive and persistence to be the best on and off the field. He embraced this process from his childhood in Fall River, Mass., all the way to this very day, and continues each and every day. We must realize that we all start out as just a kid from somewhere. Where we end up is on us..

Just a Kid

Just a Kid

What started out as a pleasant school trip has now turned to tragedy. Twelve-year-old Maria is standing on a bridge threatening to throw herself onto the railway tracks below. Her schoolmates are cheering her on, insulting her and daring her to jump, while her teacher is reasoning with her to get her to climb down..

Just Kids

Just Kids

Set in between two high schools, the students and teachers always fight and compete. They couldn't build the friendship among each other, so the teachers gather the students to play music. It's like a miracle when music can heal the conflict of the two high schools, and they finally endorse the friendship..

Just Kids

Just Kids

Jack, 19 ans, Lisa, 17 ans, et Mathis, 10 ans, se retrouvent brutalement orphelins. Chacun réagit à sa façon à la catastrophe familiale. Lisa prend ses distances, Jack, tout juste majeur, se voit confier la garde de Mathis. Une nouvelle vie commence. Mais comment être responsable d’un enfant quand on est soi-même à peine sorti de l’adolescence ? Et comment se construire un avenir quand le passé devient une obsession dangereuse ? La force et l’énergie de la jeunesse peuvent faire des miracles….