

Où voir Joyful Noise Netflix

Joyful Noise

Joyful Noise

Dans la petite ville tranquille de Pacashau, un concours de chant se prépare pour le Choeur de l'Eglise de la Divinité et toutes les chances sont de son côté. Pourtant, le conflit opposant Vi Rose et G.G. Sparrow, les deux dirigeantes aux visions opposées, risque de ternir la compétition. Et la situation va en empirant quand la fille de la première et le petit-fils de la seconde tombent amoureux..

Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise

Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise

Robert Mugge filmed jazz great Sun Ra on location in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C. between 1978 and 1980. The resulting 60-minute film includes multiple public and private performances, poetry readings, a band rehearsal, interviews, and extensive improvisations. Transferred to HD from the original 16mm film and lovingly restored for the best possible viewing experience..

Danielson: A Family Movie (or, Make a Joyful Noise Here)

Danielson: A Family Movie (or, Make a Joyful Noise Here)

"Danielson: a Family movie" is a documentary about unbridled creativity vs. accessibility, Christian faith vs. popular culture, underground music vs. survival, and family vs. individuality. The film follows Daniel Smith, an eccentric musician and visual artist, as he leads his four siblings and best friend to indie rock stardom, eventually facing the struggle to become viable as a solo act. Along the way he mentors an unknown singer-songwriter named Sufjan Stevens whose own subsequent success stands in stark contrast to the music world's uneasy reception of Danielson just a few years prior. Makes use of collage, direct cinema and animation. Written by Creative Arson.