

Où voir Ikarus Netflix



Lena is homeless. She couldn't get a foothold in the big city, she hasn't been at home in the country for a long time and she only knows the big, wide world, which she allegedly traveled as a waitress on a cruise ship, from hearsay. Her grandfather's funeral is now both an occasion and an excuse for her to return to the village in the hope of finding her place in life here after all..



Eight-year-old Matthias dreams that he will someday become a pilot and his divorced parents will get back together. He waits yearningly for his ninth birthday because his father has told him the story of Icarus, and promised to take him on a sightseeing flight. When Matthias' father doesn't come home, he is devastated. He runs throughout the city, talks to his friend about the relationships of adults, looks for his father at his desk, and gets himself into conflict with the police. As he sits alone on the roof of a house, he comes to the conclusion that Icarus didn't plummet to the earth because he didn't listen to his father, but rather because his father had forgotten him..



Teenage scavengers, Queen and her older brother, Birdie, are on their usual hustle of hunting down cargo drones. However, unbeknownst to Birdie, Queen has navigated the pair onto new paths, with the hopes of landing the ultimate payload, Nano-biotics. Queen’s plans go awry when her home-made honing device accidentally sounds, attracting unwanted attention. The siblings narrowly escape capture but, during the chaos, Birdie is shot in the stomach. With Birdie unconscious and consumed by a high fever, Queen must now attempt to hunt these very Nano-biotics on her own, if she’s to save her brother’s life..

Ikarus, the Flying Man

Ikarus, the Flying Man

Two French spies, Baron d’Aubigny and Clemence de Montignon, blackmail German engineer Günther Ellinghaus with his gambling debts into handing over his construction plans for the new Ikarus engine. He flees to New York and works as a waiter. When World War I breaks, he signs on as a fireman on a Dutch ship and returns to Europe. He becomes a fighter pilot in Germany and faces the former spies as his enemies. After an emergency landing he is taken into their headquarters. He escapes an attempted murder and fights his enemies in an air battle. Both of them survive and after the war Ellinghaus offers them his hand in reconciliation..



Un cycliste américain déclenche un vaste scandale de dopage impliquant un expert russe, le lanceur d'alerte le plus recherché par Poutine..

I… comme Icare

I… comme Icare

Suite au décès du président d'un État fictif, le procureur Henri Volney, qui s'est penché sur ce décès, refuse les conclusions de l'enquête. Il parvient à interroger un témoin qui lui dévoile la part d'ombre de cette histoire, mais les auteurs du meurtre ne souhaitent pas qu'il découvre la vérité..



Après la chute de lUnion Soviétique, Icarus, un agent à la solde du KGB, a décidé de refaire sa vie aux Etats-Unis sous une nouvelle identité. Aujourdhui Edward Genn est un homme daffaires, marié et père de famille, qui a presque oublié son passé de tueur. Mais de dangereux ennemis ressurgissent du passé et sen prennent à ce qu'il a de plus cher : sa femme et sa fille. Icarus va devoir ressortir les armes pour les protéger.

Les Ailes

Les Ailes

Un sculpteur rencontre un jeune peintre, en fait son modèle et devient son ami. Leur amitié est menacée quand ils tombent tous les deux amoureux de la même femme, une comtesse manipulatrice..

Icarus. The Legend of Mietek Kosz

Icarus. The Legend of Mietek Kosz

Inspired by true events, a story of a blind grand piano genius. As a child Mietek loses his sight. His mother places him in the care of the nuns in Laski. At the centre for the blind the boy discovers that music may be his way of seeing the world again and of describing it. Mietek goes on to become a brilliant classical pianist. Once he discovers jazz music, though, he has only one goal left: to become the best jazz pianist in Poland. He is more and more successful, not only in Poland but around the world. He wins the prestigious Montreux Jazz Festival. Unexpectedly, a charismatic vocalist, Zuza, walks into his life. This meeting will change it forever..