

Où voir Happy Go Lucky Netflix

Happy-Go-Lucky Days

Happy-Go-Lucky Days

L'amour c'est l'amour. Un jour, la douleur d'être amoureux sera un souvenir attachant. Peu importe à qui s'adressent les sentiments, quelle que soit la forme qu'ils prennent, tous les amours et modes de vie ont la même valeur. Un anime omnibus raconte les histoires de "Le mariage d'un ex", "un élève et un enseignant dans une école pour garçons" et "des amis d'enfance dont le corps et le cœur changent avec l'adolescence.".

Be Happy

Be Happy

Institutrice, Poppy est une jeune femme aussi drôle et fantaisiste que rationnelle et déterminée. A l'écoute des autres, elle séduit tous ceux qui l'approchent, adore ses élèves et s'investit complètement dans son travail. Poppy vit en colocation avec une copine, Zoe. Elle sort beaucoup avec ses sœurs cadettes, et s'éclate en prenant des cours de flamenco et de trampoline. Quand elle se décide à apprendre à conduire, sa gentillesse et son sens de l'humour semblent même amadouer son moniteur d'auto-école pourtant peu aimable et très cyclothymique. Tout va donc plutôt bien dans la vie de la positive Poppy, surtout quand elle rencontre, dans le cadre de son travail, Tim avec lequel elle se sent aussitôt sur la même longueur d'ondes..

Happy Go Lucky

Happy Go Lucky

Après une série d'échecs professionnels, deux amis ouvrent ensemble un restaurant végétarien. Mais les circonstances les obligent à le transformer en restaurant de viande..

Happy Go Lucky

Happy Go Lucky

Happy Go Lucky is a story of three sisters who desire their life partners to be Inspector, Singer and a NRI. Coincidentally, when they speak of their desires, Bhalla who is the father of three sons stands by listening to them and thinking about his own sons who match all their desires. The girls' father initially is upset, and declines the match. But eventually the marriages take place..

Happy Go Lucky

Happy Go Lucky

A singer in Shanghai looks exactly like a missing flyer who went missing, and is feared to have sold the experimental airplane that he was flying. Foreign gangsters, the missing flyers girlfriend, and the U.S. military wants him, dead or alive..

Happy Go Lucky

Happy Go Lucky

The story follows the extremely busy office worker Takuya and his childhood friend Manzu .One day, they meet a girl named Mae whose father owns an A.I. Development Company. They accidentally help her when she is chased down by some people. They escape together and a wild ride with a free girl, A.I. and some mysterious villians starts! The drama title "Hapygora!" Is an abbreviation for "Happy Go Lucky" and expresses the theme itself of this work "always positive and fun" even in the emergency of helping a lady who is chased by someone..

Pharrell Williams: Happy Go Lucky

Pharrell Williams: Happy Go Lucky

From Snoop Dog To Britney Spears, Pharrell Williams has worked alongside and produced songs for some of the hottest stars in the music industry. Having recently been nominated for an Oscar for his infectious song ‘Happy’, he has established himself as one of the biggest artists of his generation. Pharrell first hit it big with his group The Neptune’s when they produced the international number one “I’m a slave for you” for Britney Spears. Since then, Pharrell’s success has as a hip hop artist and producer has reached heights comparable to music legends. He has won countless awards, achieved numerous international number one hits, and is regarded as one of the best producers of all time. Sit back and get lost in the story of Pharrell Williams..



A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev, traveling with his wife to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow..

Au petit bonheur

Au petit bonheur

Martine et Denis s'aiment mais se chamaillent souvent juste pour le plaisir de rompre. Mais lorsque Martine rencontre un romancier certes un peu plus vieux mais très distingué, les choses ne vont plus être aussi simples..

Happy Go Lucky

Happy Go Lucky

Takashi and four of his classmates, fourth-grade students, cannot succeed in doing a back pullover around a horizontal bar. Their gym teacher warns them: they have one week to succeed; if they resign now, then, tomorrow, facing life difficulties, they will always run away and become bums. Furthermore, all five must succeed, if one of them cannot do it, then all of them fail. Takashi is really worried and wonders if he won't be always the loser who couldn't succeed in the back pullover bar exercise..

Happy Go Lucky

Happy Go Lucky

Tony Leung plays Wai, an apple polisher working in a finance company co-managed by Ma and Kang, both being brothers. Kang is the good brother, Ma, the bad one. Wai tries to set Kang up with Mina to prevent Ma from getting her, but Kang likes Jackie, especially after saving her from prostitution. Wai later reveals to Kang that he likes Mina, but is afraid Kang will be angry with him, besides the feelings between Mina and him are mutual..

Happy Go Lucky

Happy Go Lucky

"Happy Go Lucky" seeks to tackle the issue of gambling in a light-hearted yet touching manner. Hardcore gambler, Hock Lee Poh (Richard Low) is an ardent believer of Feng Shui, but is always down on his luck. His eldest daughter Donna (Patricia Mok), though petty and calculative, spends all her time and money on lavish nightlife and hunky social escorts - till she loses everything in the end. Fu Xin (Fann Wong), Poh's illegitimate second daughter is born at an extremely inauspicious hour and thus labeled as the "jinx" of the family. However, Fu Xin actually is a surreptitious 'Lucky Star' who always manages to turn unfavourable conditions into favourable ones. Fu Xin sacrifices a lot for the family. And in a twist of fate and luck, she unexpectedly helps Poh to win a hefty sum of money. Meanwhile, Poh and Donna find themselves stranded along the streets of Cambodia in a failed attempt to recoup their losses at the gambling tables..



Toutes les élèves de la 1re 7 de l’école Tennogofune semblent avoir la poisse ou un mauvais karma ! Retrouvez An Hanakoizumi, la malchanceuse, Ruri Hibarigaoka et ses histoires d’amour tragiques, Botan Kumegawa, toujours malade, Hibiki Hagyû et son mauvais sens de l’orientation, sans oublier Ren Ekoda qui ne s’entend avec personne ! Elles font cependant de leur mieux pour avoir une vie heureuse au lycée….

The Adventurer

The Adventurer

Toomas Nipernaadi is seen roaming the rural landscape, going from village to village looking for the woman of his dreams. He wears a bedraggled white suit but generously pays for any lodging he needs or in one case, even buys a farm. Nipernaadi has a way with words and enchants those he meets with his wild stories about himself. Women find him appealing and the men are entertained as he moves from one locale to the next..