

Où voir Hammerhead Netflix



An American agent has tracked down the stronghold of an evil criminal mastermind, determined to take over the world (what, another one ?)..



Isolé sur une île du Pacifique, le docteur King mène des recherches sensibles dans le cadre de la lutte contre le cancer. Officiellement du moins car, passé maître dans la manipulation du code génétique, King croise l'ADN de plusieurs espèces animales et végétales. Quand il parvient à mêler les cellules d'un homme et d'un requin, il donne la vie à une créature d'une effarante férocité, aussi redoutable dans les eaux qui encerclent l'île, que sur la terre... Les dirigeants du laboratoire pharmaceutique qui finance ses recherches, vont découvrir son terrible secret. A leurs dépens..



Hammer, un policier à la carrure colossale, reçoit un appel en urgence de son ami Greg, ce dernier est menacé par deux hommes qui cherchent à le liquider. Hammer se rend sur un port où Greg lui a fixé un rendez- vous, hélas il est tué, écrasé par un container… Hammer poursuit l’assaillant de Greg mais ne parvient pas à le neutraliser….



Caught up in the middle of a divorce, shark obsessed oddball Boris persuades his parents to take him to the coast where a shark has been sighted, seeing it as the perfect opportunity to get them back together. The trip is ruined when Boris's mother brings her lover and he must face the fact that his parents are never going to be reconciled..



When the vehicle of a group of road-tripping beauties is sabotaged, the girls find themselves lost in the woods of Wing Brook, Kentucky. They soon discover they are not alone. Stalking the woods is Hammerhead, a ruthless human hunter who hibernates with the 17 year cycle of the local cicada bugs. The girls only hope for survival rests in the revenging hands of Killian, hellbent on finding the predator that took his sister's life. Three stranded Vacationers, an avenging brother out to settle the score at any cost, and Hammerhead - will the nightmare end - or merely hibernate for another 17 years..

World's Biggest Hammerhead?

World's Biggest Hammerhead?

De nombreux rapports faisant état de grands requins-marteaux géants, mesurant jusqu'à 20 pieds de long, ont remis en question la taille réelle potentielle de cette espèce. Une équipe de scientifiques de l'université internationale de Floride a entrepris une expédition au large de la Floride pour tenter de trouver le plus grand requin-marteau du monde, en passant par les nombreux ponts des Keys de Floride et les eaux piquantes des Bahamas..

Bull Shark vs. Hammerhead

Bull Shark vs. Hammerhead

In Florida, a rare event between top ocean predators was captured on video: bull sharks attacking a great hammerhead. Dr. Heithaus and a team of shark experts launch an investigation pinning one against the other. They put experiments to the test to see what happens when these top predators come head-to-head..

Mega Hammerhead: Ultimate Predator

Mega Hammerhead: Ultimate Predator

The great hammerhead has evolved into a super-predator with more specialized hunting abilities than any other species of shark. Recently, hammerheads have been popping up in some unexpected places, spotted in waters further north than ever before. Marine biologist Dr. Neil Hammerschlag is diving in to take advantage of this epic opportunity to find and study these sharks..

Joseph Morpurgo: Hammerhead

Joseph Morpurgo: Hammerhead

Spoofing the conventions of the post-show Q&A, outlandish funny-man Joseph Morpurgo presents his multimedia stand-up voodoo. Featuring surreal set-pieces, inventive comic writing, and one monstrous thespian ego, this is conceptual comedy delivered with chucklesome clout..

Le grand requin-marteau

Le grand requin-marteau

Les eaux tropicales de Bimini, dans les Bahamas, représentent un terrain de chasse idéal pour un prédateur aussi mystérieux qu'insaisissable : le grand requin-marteau. Après avoir étudié les aptitudes de chasse sensorielles du Grand requin blanc, le biologiste sensoriel Dr. Craig OConnell part en mission pour tester et examiner ce prédateur comme jamais auparavant, et dévoiler la vérité sur ce spécimen légendaire..

Hammerhead Jones

Hammerhead Jones

He is the champion. Not only of his sport. But for people. Now someone want's to destroy everything he has fought so hard to create. This evil comes in two forms, one human the other a walking nightmare. There is no turning back now. Hammerhead Jones is about to meet his destiny face-to-face inside an arena from which there is no escape..

Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy

Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy

Hammerhead: Shark Frenzy, also known as Sharkman or simply Hammerhead, is a 2005 Syfy original movie, written by Kenneth M. Badish and Boaz Davidson, and directed by Michael Oblowitz. The film stars William Forsythe, Hunter Tylo, and Jeffrey Combs. The film premiered on Syfy June 18, 2005..