

Où voir Fever Pitch Netflix

Terrain d'entente

Terrain d'entente

Lindsey, une jeune femme dynamique, pense avoir trouvé la perle rare lorsqu'elle tombe amoureuse de Ben. Ils passent un hiver sans encombre, mais quand les beaux jours arrivent et que la saison de baseball redémarre, Lindsey réalise que Ben est un fan absolu de l'équipe des Red Sox de Boston, et son obsession pourrait bien briser leur couple ....

Fever Pitch

Fever Pitch

A romantic comedy about a man, a woman and a football team. Based on Nick Hornby's best selling autobiographical novel, Fever Pitch. English teacher Paul Ashworth believes his long standing obsession with Arsenal serves him well. But then he meets Sarah. Their relationship develops in tandem with Arsenal's roller coaster fortunes in the football league, both leading to a nail biting climax..

Fever Pitch: The Battle for the Premier League

Fever Pitch: The Battle for the Premier League

Fever Pitch’s second installment explores the decade that money ruled at both ends of the table. It’s the story of rich and poor, tragedy and triumph, truth and corruption. The Battle for the Premier League examines such an era through the often conflicting sides of the story, from Mourinho to Redknapp lives at the top often contrasted to lives at the bottom with teams like Leeds United and Southampton desperately trying to stay afloat in a world they can barely afford to inhabit..