

Où voir Epitaph Netflix



Elena lives alone in a foreign country while being involved in a toxic relationship, which culminates with her murder by her ex-partner. She will then begin a journey through different emotions, images and memories which will transform her violent death into a peaceful departure from life. Narrated through a visual stream of consciousness, Elena represents the destiny and the voice of many women like her, dying due to femicide every day..



Une famille déménage dans un paisible village afin, d'oublier l'horrible meurtre que la mère a commis sous le prétexte de s'être défendu contre une possible agression sexuelle. La mère de famille psychopathe abuse alors du pouvoir qu'elle exerce sur sa fille adolescente puis, tue un à un les membres de sa famille et tout ceux qui ne veulent pas se soumettre à sa folie démentielle..



In the Dark Ages a lone knight, haunted by the spirit of death, braves a dark forest to lay his wife’s ashes to rest..



Elena decides to end her abusive relationship. One morning, she is murdered by her ex-partner outside her home. Her death triggers a journey which blends present and past memories, transforming her violent murder into a tranquil departure from life. Narrated via a visual stream of consciousness, Elena represents the destiny and voice of the many women like her who die from femicide every day.​.



This Belarussian necropolis is a place where some people can meet with dead family members and spend time on contemplation. Few others try to look for the traces of the past there, some come just for a walk and yet another group engages into family feasting. Next to strollers and contemplators, there sometimes come cats creeping among the tombs and squirrels looking out from trees. Immersed in deadly silence, the cemetery comes to life from time to time, while the faces from tomb photographs, frozen in time, look at all this in silence..



An ex-Army marksman's plan to avenge the murder of his parents brings him into business with a murder-for-hire organization and the C.I.A..



Newlywed Anna and her husband relocate to Alaska, but their blissful life takes a dark turn when a car crash causes Anna to develop selective amnesia. The incident triggers agoraphobia and haunting flashbacks..



En 1979, le docteur Park reçoit un vieil album de photographies des années 40. Ses parents l'obligèrent alors à se marier à une jeune fille qu'il ne connaissait pas, mais il tomba amoureux d'un cadavre qui s'avéra être celui de sa promise. Au même moment, une petite fille victime d'un accident de voiture mortel, arrive à l'hôpital sans aucune blessure et est toutes les nuits hantée par des fantômes….

Judas Priest - Epitaph

Judas Priest - Epitaph

Epitaph, c'est donc une synthèse finale très réussie de cette tournée mémorable effectuée par JUDAS PRIEST entre 2011 et 2012. Une tournée durant laquelle on aurait certes aimé que le groupe joue plus de titres rares, mais qui en définitive résume parfaitement la brillante carrière des Britanniques. Une tournée censée initialement être la "dernière" du groupe, mais qui ne sera finalement que la "dernière des grandes", une petite tournée ayant fort logiquement été annoncée en 2014 afin de promouvoir Redeemer Of Souls..

Split Second to an Epitaph

Split Second to an Epitaph

In the second "Ironside" movie, the Chief has his spine jolted during a hospital encounter with a narcotics pusher, not only raising the possibility for an operation that might cure his paralysis but also putting him in jeopardy because he can identify the man who had just shot a guard..

Let No Man Write My Epitaph

Let No Man Write My Epitaph

Nick Romano lives in a poor tenement building on the south side of Chicago with his well-meaning but drug-addicted mother, Nellie. She encourages him to pursue his piano-playing talent in hopes that it will bring him a better life. Nellie's neighbors, like the alcoholic ex-lawyer who secretly loves her, help her in keeping Nick away from Louie, the resident drug dealer. But a chance meeting between Nick and Louie could change things forever..

Winter Epitaph for Michael Furey

Winter Epitaph for Michael Furey

Inspired by the final paragraph of Joyce’s story ‘The Dead’ – but in no sense a recreation of that paragraph, or even an interpretation of it – this film was shot at various times of day and in various climatic conditions in a graveyard in Maine. The shooting took two winters and the editing one spring. All superimposition was done in the camera. The blue quality of the middle passage was achieved by using ‘indoor’ film out of doors. During the editing, the film evolved from a more-or-less realistic evoking of a graveyard in winter, into something more abstract – the sort of thing that might be called ‘Fugue in Orange and Blue’. The film is very silent. —William Wees.