

Où voir Don't Look Back Netflix

Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back

When a young woman overcoming her traumatic past is among several witnesses who see a man fatally assaulted and don't intervene, they find themselves targeted by someone, or something, out for revenge..

Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back

Los Angeles heroin addict Jesse endangers the lives of his childhood friends after he discovers a briefcase full of money from a drug deal gone bad, and returns home with it to Texas. Hoping to turn his life around with his newfound wealth, Jessie endures detox with the support of his friends. However, the gang leader behind the drug deal, along with his cronies, trace Jesse's footsteps to Texas to exact revenge and take back their money..

Mon inquiétante colocataire

Mon inquiétante colocataire

A la mort de sa grand-mère, Nora Clark, auteure à succès de livres pour enfants, hérite de sa maison située à Idyllwild, une petite ville voisine de Palm Springs. Arrivée sur place, elle sympathise avec Peyton, qui devient vite sa colocataire..

Ne te retourne pas

Ne te retourne pas

Jeanne, plongée dans l'écriture d'un premier roman, constate des changements mystérieux autour d'elle et voit son corps se transformer... Son entourage ne semble pas s'en apercevoir.Troublée, elle découvre chez sa mère une photographie qui la met sur la trace d'une femme, en Italie. Jeanne, désormais transformée, y trouvera la clef d'un étrange passé....

Rest Stop: Don't Look Back

Rest Stop: Don't Look Back

Un an après la disparition de Nicole et son copain Jess, le frère de ce dernier et deux de ses amis partent à leur recherche. Leur périple les mène tout droit à une halte routière, là où tout a commencé... En plus de devoir faire face au mystérieux camionneur qui hante les lieux, les trois amis devront tenter d'apporter un sens aux apparitions des fantômes de Nicole et Jess qui tentent maladroitement de les guider vers la vérité..



A la suite du décès de son père qui était un employé d'un prestigieux groupe hôtelier nommé Gaya, Han Yi Su ne vit que pour une seule chose : la vengeance. Prêt à échafauder un plan et causer la perte de son ennemi juré une bonne fois pour toutes, il va mettre tout en œuvre non seulement en changeant son identité mais aussi en ayant recours à la chirurgie esthétique. Lors de sa vengeance, il va rencontrer un grand obstacle : son amour pour Jo Hae Wu, l'héritière de Gaya. Dès lors, il va être tiraillé entre son désir de vengeance et son désir d'aimer. En raison de son implication dans cet amour infortuné, l'identité de Yi Su est sur le point d'être révélée. On peut soit couler soit nager, mais que faire si l'eau est pleine de requins ?.

Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back

The plot of the film takes place in a foreign company located in southern Serbia. The warehouse manager enjoys his free weekend, which is interrupted by a warehouse worker who invites him to come to the warehouse in order to have a serious conversation with a new client from London. The manager had no idea what had happened there and what is yet to happen in the warehouse..

Don't Look Now: Looking Back

Don't Look Now: Looking Back

In this short making-of documentary, director Nicolas Roeg discusses the production history of the film and the unique qualities of Daphne Du Maurier's story that inspired it, while director of photography Anthony B. Richmond explains the significance of specific scenes, including the notorious sex scene, and how they were shot. Editor Graeme Clifford also discusses his contribution to the film..

Take That: Look Back, Don't Stare

Take That: Look Back, Don't Stare

A documentary telling the story of the newly reformed Take That. Global mega star 'Robbie Williams' rejoins his former band mates for the first time in over 15 years to record Take That's sixth studio album 'Progress'. 'Look Back, Don't Stare' gives a brutally honest account of how Williams return to the group has affected the other four members and shows how the pressures of fame and the relentless power struggle for artistic leadership between Williams and Barlow contributed to the break up of one of the best selling bands of the 90's..

Mon fils, ne te retourne pas

Mon fils, ne te retourne pas

Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le combattant partisan Novak, prisonnier en fuite, part à Zagreb retrouver son fils. Le garçon, envoyé dans une pension où il reçoit une éducation militaire, subit l'endoctrinement oustachi. Novak met tout en œuvre pour s'enfuir avec lui..

Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back

Jung-Hee (Kim Hye-Na) is a 21-year-old dancer who struggles with insecurities and other problems after her father abandoned her family 15 years ago. One day, Jung-Hee's brings back their father. Keun-Woo (Lee Sang-Woo) is a 25-year-old low level telephone technician. One day, his friend shows him a picture of a woman he is trying to extort money from. The woman is having an affair with a married man. Keun-Woo taps into the woman's telephone line and begins to eavesdrop on her conversations. After a few evenings, Keun-Woo falls in love with the woman, but the woman doesn't even know he exits. In-Ho (Kim Tae-Woo) is a 30-year-old soldier. He is about to be discharged from the military after serving for 2 years. In-Ho then gets his last leave of absence and decides to give his wife a surprise visit. When he arrives his wife isn't home. When he does finally see her his wife has changed and seems distant..