

Où voir Detonator Netflix



From rocker to family man, this captivating debut reveals the strife we face when it’s time to grow up. The rhythm of Sully’s (Lawrence Levine, Gabi on the Roof In July) life drastically changes when he abandons Philadelphia’s gritty punk rock scene for suburban simplicity. Now, in a dull office job, Sully must support his family, while the lifestyle he had lead is tough to let go. Nostalgia puts him in a paralyzing daze of somber apathy, prompting his exasperated wife to beg him to focus on the present. When his reckless ex-bandmate arrives unexpectedly and drags Sully on a nightlong scheme, pulling him back into his old ways, Sully must decide what to sacrifice. The familiarity livens his soul and awakens his emotions, but when the safety of his family becomes endangered will Sully be able to decide what matters to him most?.

Detonator Orgun

Detonator Orgun

Fleeing from his own race, Orgun—an alien being with superhuman abilities and unearthly weapons—travels to Earth to find an answer to his origin. There, he bonds with a young man named Tomoru to defend Earth against the Evoluders, who seek nothing but destruction of other civilizations..

Der Detonator

Der Detonator

An ex-military man is now using his specialized explosive skills to work as a hitman when he meets a young woman who may change his life..

The Detonators

The Detonators

The Detonators was a reality series documentary that aired on the Discovery Channel. The program featured the thought process and procedures in performing demolition through the use of explosives. The show was hosted by two demolition experts: Dr. Braden Lusk, an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky College of Engineering, and Dr. Paul Worsey, professor and director of explosives engineering education at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. Lusk and Worsey gave the viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the science of destroying large structures without damaging the surrounding buildings and landscapes. The Detonators consisted of a single season with 13 episodes airing between January and July of 2009. No additional episodes have been produced since then, and the Discovery Channel's official website no longer carries information about the program..

Detonator Orgun

Detonator Orgun

Fleeing from his own race, Orgun—an alien being with superhuman abilities and unearthly weapons—travels to Earth to find an answer to his origin. There, he bonds with a young man named Tomoru to defend Earth against the Evoluders, who seek nothing but destruction of other civilizations..



A strange object falls to the ground from space. His fall is accompanied by a strong explosion, which creates chaos on Earth. KGB officer Rem Bezymyanny, the owner of a perfect physical and universal mental nature, intervenes in the case, who is transplanted with a device of extraterrestrial origin to the most incredible places in space and time. After wandering around the worlds, the superhero safely returns to his homeland in the 90s..

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation

Iris, qui a trahi Kyrie, contrôle à présent Yuri après l'avoir libérée du cristal qui l'emprisonnait. Les deux combattantes dominent largement le Bureau d'administration temporelle, mais les trois âmes-clés, Dearche, Stern et Levi ressentent une étrange connexion avec la jeune Yuri. Nanoha et elles vont tenter d'en découvrir plus afin de la libérer de l'emprise d'Iris, avec l'espoir également de raisonner cette dernière..



Dans un garage de banlieue, quatre ingénieurs passent leur temps libre à travailler sur des brevets qu'ils espèrent commercialiser pour leur propre compte. Deux d'entre eux, Abe et Aaron, développent en secret une machine capable de réduire la masse des objets. Ils vont alors découvrir une capacité inattendue de ce qu'ils appellent « la boîte ». L'échelle temporelle ne serait pas la même à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur. Ils s'empressent d'en construire un modèle suffisamment grand pour en expérimenter les effets sur eux-mêmes. Il leur suffirait, ont-ils calculé, de « reculer » chaque jour de quelques heures pour manipuler leurs placements boursiers selon les données déjà publiées avant l'expérience. Très vite, ils se sentiront dépassés par ce qui leur arrive..

Night Watch

Night Watch

UN agents Mike Graham and Sabrina Carver are sent by their director Nick Caldwell to investigate the theft of Rembrandt's painting, "The Night Watch". The trail takes them from Amsterdam to Hong Kong and involves them in not only art theft and forgery, but the high-tech schemes of Martin Schraeder and his Korean cohort Mao Yixin.

Commando express

Commando express

Quand un général renégat russe envoie une bombe nucléaire vers le Moyen-Orient à bord d'un train piraté, les agents spéciaux sont envoyés pour désarmer le dispositif mortel. Dix tonnes d'acier et une once de plutonium chaud traversent l'Europe. Une équipe composée d'agents de divers pays est envoyée pour tenter d'arrêter cette menace de toute urgence..

Detonation! Violent Games

Detonation! Violent Games

A Tokyo, il y a deux bandes de motards : les Black Panthers, du quartier populaire de Sumida et les Barons Rouges, pour la plupart des gosses de riches. Les deux clans ne peuvent pas se sentir, et la situation va encore s’envenimer alors qu’une idylle semble naître entre la sœur du chef des Black Panthers et Masami, coureur automobile proche des Barons Rouges..

The Darvish Detonates Paris

The Darvish Detonates Paris

A famous botanist, Monsieur Jordan is a guest in Garabagh to Hatamkhan Agha. Hatamkhan Agha's nephew wants to go to France with Jordan in order to study. His family and lover try to discourage him and consult to Darvish Mastali Shah. Mastali Shah decides to use magic and explode Paris..