

Où voir Culebra Netflix



A pregnant Mexican woman follows a shady human smuggler into an underground border crossing that goes terribly awry..

D'amour et de dettes

D'amour et de dettes

Dans le contexte de la crise économique espagnole, preuves accablantes de corruption urbanistique, la vie de la jeune Rebecca éclate en morceaux lorsque son père fini ruiné. Un butin caché et des enregistrements compromettants pourraient lui permettre de redevenir celle qu’elle a été..

Culebra: el comienzo

Culebra: el comienzo

Culebra, an island off Puerto Rico, is used by the USA as a target area for bombing practice with live ammunition. The documentary depicts the struggles of the people of Culebra as they take increasingly militant action to put a stop to the target practice bombing of the area..

Culebra USA

Culebra USA

Three shipwreck survivors reach the shores of a deserted island used to carry out military experiments. The issue of military occupation and its consequences on the civilian population is presented in this microcosm, composed by the three characters..

Snake's Mouth

Snake's Mouth

Chicán (chi'kaan), a Mayan word meaning "Boca de Culebra", is a small Mayan community in southern Yucatán where for generations its inhabitants have been born with a particular characteristic and share the same surnames. This documentary portrays the life of a local family and their resilience in a town where tradition will continue unless someone breaks the cycle..

La Couleuvre Noire

La Couleuvre Noire

Parti depuis des années à la ville, Ciro revient dans le désert colombien de la Tatacoa quand il apprend que sa mère est mourante. Dans ce territoire à la fois sublime et hostile où vit sa famille depuis des générations, il doit se confronter à son père, à un ami d’enfance devenu un entrepreneur ambitieux, et à son amour de jeunesse avec qui il a eu une fille qu’il n’a jamais rencontrée. Malgré les tensions, Ciro accompagne on père dans le désert pour enterrer sa mère. Cette traversée éprouvante va lui rappeler des sensations oubliées et l’incite à décider de son avenir….

Inherit the Viper

Inherit the Viper

Since the death of their father, the Riley siblings have kept their heads above water by illegally dealing in painkillers. Josie is managing the business with an iron fist, when her brother, War veteran Kip, is concerned that the risky business is increasingly turning them into outsiders in their small community. While Kip wants to keep his younger brother out of their illegal endeavors, his younger brother is already making plans of his own..