

Où voir Contaminations Netflix



Un baron de l'industrie du pétrole se retrouve confronté à un fermier entêté après que l'eau de la ferme de ce dernier a été empoisonnée par sa compagnie..

Contamination : la menace venue d'ailleurs

Contamination : la menace venue d'ailleurs

Après l'assassinat du maire de New York, deux journalistes pensent être sur la piste du scoop de leur vie. Leur enquête va les mener sur la piste d'une invasion extraterrestre destinée à prendre le contrôle de la ville. Un complot qui va aller de surprise en surprise..

Hidden Contamination

Hidden Contamination

The 20 km zone surrounding the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was designated an evacuation zone due to the radiation caused by the accident in March 2011. However, the thousands of people of Itate, situated just outside the zone, and those who had fled the area and taken shelter there were left to their own devices for over a month. Later on Itate became a restricted area and the residents were allowed only visits having to leave the area for good. The place became a ghost town, as it was too close to the Zone and many pets and farm animals are stranded there. There are said to be 150~200 dogs, 400~800 cats, 50 chickens and a pig although the exact numbers are unknown. The public interest in the accident has all but gone but there is one man who still cares what happens to those animals..

Contamination is...

Contamination is...

The sectors studied are the Yumbo industrial complex (the rainbow of pollution), which threatens to create a fence of smoke and pestilence around the city of Cali. The Mamonal complex (Bahía de Cartagena) and the garbage of the big cities. The film, depending on its geographical direction, is divided into five chapters, namely: air, water, garbage, noise and lack of trees..

Contaminated Reflection

Contaminated Reflection

Contaminated Reflection is an experimental short about a lonely protagonist wandering through the forest in a post-apocalyptic England, when he comes face-to-face with the horrors the forest holds..