

Où voir Cavalry Netflix



Just after the Civil War, Captain Thorn is sent west to help protect the new telegraph line that is under construction. Leeds is out to establish an independent nation in the west and tries stop its construction and also incoming wagon trains by inciting the Indians to attack both of them..

La Mission du Capitaine Benson

La Mission du Capitaine Benson

Au lendemain du carnage de Little Big Horn, un officier revient sur les lieux de la bataille. Parti chercher sa fiancée, il a échappé au massacre et se retrouve accusé de lâcheté. Afin de défendre son honneur, il s'engage à ramener le corps du Général Custer. Débute alors une mission périlleuse, en plein territoire Indien..

Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross

Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross

En 2160, les Zors attaquent le système Epsilon Eridani, peuplé d'humains. Au sein de l'Armée de la Croix du Sud, la 15e unité se distingue par son efficacité mais aussi sa réputation de semeuse de troubles. Elle est dirigée par le lieutenant Jeanne Françaix….

Her Majesty's Cavalry

Her Majesty's Cavalry

This six-part-series follows one of the oldest and most recognisable regiment of the British Army, The Household Cavalry, in a year of dramatic change. From riding horses at the Royal Wedding, to riding armoured fighting vehicles across the Middle East, cameras were allowed inside to see what life is really like for the soldiers, from the newest recruits to the most decorated officers..

Kill Cavalry

Kill Cavalry

U.S. General Hudson Kilpatrick is known to many as “Kill Cavalry,” not for the number of enemy troops he has killed, but his own, due to brash decisions that lead to heavy Federal casualties.

Thirty Six Cavalry

Thirty Six Cavalry

Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty bestowed upon Ban Chao, a descendant of the historian, the bronze swallow talisman and asked him to go on a mission to the western regions to find the method of immortality and the golden Buddha in his dream. Ban Chao searched for the master hiding in the capital, and thirty-six people, including the descendants of the Mo family, the descendants of the pirates, and master Yelang Gu, were traveling with him. In addition to fulfilling the emperor's wish, he also wanted to discover the family origins of the historian and the assassin who framed his father..

Charge of Boer Cavalry

Charge of Boer Cavalry

In the distance is seen a number of grey objects rapidly approaching, which, upon drawing closer, are recognized as a company of Boer cavalry. As they draw nearer, you can see that they are straining every nerve and urging their horses to the utmost speed. Waving their sabres aloft on they come, so that the audience involuntarily makes an effort to move from their seats in order to avoid being trampled under the horses..

Cavalry Scout

Cavalry Scout

Kirby Frye, a former Confederate officer but now a Union Cavalry scout, is sent into Montana territory to locate and retrieve three Gatling Guns stolen from the U.S. Arsenal by outlaws believed to have taken them west to sell to the Soiux and Cheyenne. The trail leads him to Red Bluff where, aided by Claire Corville, he and the audience discover together and real quick like that Martin Gavin, a supposedly-honest operator of a freight line, has the guns and intends to exchange them to the Indians for furs..

Le 7ème de cavalerie

Le 7ème de cavalerie

Les récits de cinq Américains nous entraînent d'abord une incroyable épopée à travers l’histoire des États-Unis. L'histoire du 7e de Cavalerie nous transporte ensuite dans le monde entier, du Kansas à la Corée, des Philippines au ViêtNam et jusqu’en Irak où il fut le premier régiment de blindés à pénétrer dans les rues de Bagdad en avril 2003..

Havoc in Highfields Volume II: Call of The Cavalry

Havoc in Highfields Volume II: Call of The Cavalry

Coming to a P.E hall near you, is another chapter in the sacred and sanguinary saga of Havoc in Highfields. When some average drifter by the name of “Turkey” thinks he can have a straightener with a manic Pigeon Fella in the yard after he took his hallowed Petits Filous, the enraged Pigeon Fella challenges him to a quarrel in the wastelands of Highfields. The stakes are sky piercingly high because this time, the champion will dethrone The High King of Highfields and shall have the force of the cavalry resting in his smiting hand..

Cavalry Charge: La Haie Sainte & Plancenoit - The French and Prussian Attacks

Cavalry Charge: La Haie Sainte & Plancenoit - The French and Prussian Attacks

Following on from Hougoumont and D'Erlon's Attack, Part III starts just as the great battle reaches its crisis point. Marshal Ney launched thousands of France's finest heavy cavalry against Wellington's thinning lines who had already taken a terrible battering on the Mont St Jean Ridge. Wave after wave of armoured horsemen broke against the steady squares of British, Dutch/Belgian and German troops. The crisis, however, took a further turn for the worse as the key bastion in Wellington's centre, the fortified farm of La Haie Sainte, fell to the French onslaught. The way to Brussels was now open and Wellington muttered, 'Give me Blucher or give me night'. With the situation looking bleaker by the second for Wellington and his troops, Napoleon fatefully hesitated to complete the coup de grace as the Prussians had closed in on his right flank at the Village of Plancenoit. Would the Young Guard be able to hold Blucher's men? There was all still to play for..

Colonial Troops and Cavalry

Colonial Troops and Cavalry

Procession of suspiciously neat troops. This film has long been recorded in the NFTVA records as being of the Boer War, however it is probably film of the "Savage South Africa" touring theatrical troupe which visited Britain in 1899, recreating spectacular scenes from African wars..