

Où voir Bruiser Netflix

Des bleus à l'âme

Des bleus à l'âme

Pendant les vacances d’été, Darius, 14 ans, explore sa masculinité à travers les relations tumultueuses qu’il entretient avec son père Malcom et l’influence grandissante d’un mystérieux vagabond, Porter. Lorsque Darius apprend la véritable identité de Porter, il se retrouve au cœur d’une rivalité entre les deux hommes qui menace de déchirer sa famille et de le mettre en danger..



Henry Creedlow a toujours respecté les règles et fait ce qu'on lui demandait de faire sans poser de questions. Mais un matin, il découvre que son visage a disparu. Tous ses efforts d'intégration et son désir de reconnaissance ont fini par lui coûter la seule chose qu'il ne peut remplacer : son identité. Il n'est plus qu'un vide, un anonyme, un fantôme. Il explose et décide de se venger..



After his father gets into a fight at a bowling alley, Darious begins to investigate the limitations of his own manhood..



Jack Rose is a small-time criminal who works simple jobs that require brutal tactics in exchange for fast cash. He's determined to help his father keep the small motel that is all he has left in the world Now caught up in a lucrative job smuggling a young girl, Jack questions where his loyalty lies and embarks on a terrifying roller-coaster ride through the seedy underbelly of the American dream..

The Bookie & the Bruiser

The Bookie & the Bruiser

In 1959 New York, a pensive, Jewish fellow named Rivner befriends an oversized Italian-American tough named Boscolo from the Lower East Side. Both men served overseas during WWII and returned changed, no longer fitting inside the lives they'd left behind. Uninterested in taking orders from bosses or playing by the rules of polite society, the two friends partner up as a bookmaker and an enforcer and create an illicit gambling operation that proves to be very profitable, though risky, and their situation gets rather sticky when they find themselves stuck between a powerful Irish gang and the Mafia..

Bruiser Brody - Wrestling's Last Rebel

Bruiser Brody - Wrestling's Last Rebel

"Wrestling's Last Rebel" is the definitive look at the life and career of Bruiser Brody told by the people who knew him best. Bruiser Brody was the most unpredictable and charismatic wrestler of all time. Independent, blood, guts, and box office, no one matched Bruiser Brody. Many have tried but there will never be another like him. From becoming a star in the United States to an international mega-star in Japan, Bruiser Brody marched to the beat of his own drum and did things his way. With a rebellious spirit running through his veins, Brody carved out a niche as an independent wrestler before the indies ever existed..