

Où voir Braven Netflix



Le long de la frontière canadienne, des passeurs sont contraints d'abandonner leur cargaison de cocaïne dans un relais de chasse désert. Lorsque Joe Braven découvre par hasard la marchandise, il est déjà trop tard pour demander de l'aide. Les trafiquants sont déterminés à ne laisser aucun témoin. Mais Joe est un homme plein de ressources qui connaît la montagne mieux que quiconque..

The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schwejk

The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schwejk

Die Abenteuer des braven Soldaten Schwejk is an Austrian television series. Schwejk is a bumbling fool (he claims to have been discharged from the army on the grounds of being a certified idiot) but manages to outwit his superiors and his arch nemesis, the secret policeman "Bretschneider" with hilarious results. Set during the first world war, it follow Schwejks adventures as a recruit in the Austro-Hungarian army..

Bravengers: Age of Buldgetron

Bravengers: Age of Buldgetron

When multi-millionaire sex toy entrepreneur Horny Fark's newest creation, the highly intelligent and super-horny Sexbot, launches an international dry-humping catastrophe, it's up the BRAvengers to save the day!.

The Good Soldier Schweik

The Good Soldier Schweik

Adapting Jaroslav Hasek's raucous satirical novel, and also bringing Josef Lada's equally famous illustrations to garrulous puppet life, posed Trnka one of his biggest creative challenges. Trnka himself felt that the final episode was the most artistically successful, but there's much to enjoy in all three, not least the way that the lackadaisical layabout Svejk's own self-serving anecdotes are realized through cut-out animation..

Almost a Hero

Almost a Hero

Towards the end of World War II, the fictitious French mountain village of Molinette is occupied by German troops. Because of sleep aid, served by his French girlfriend Hélène, the German corporal Karl Küppers misses the departure of his company to Russia. With the help of the purposeful Frenchwoman he becomes Ortskommandant..