

Où voir Blood Bath Netflix

Blood Bath

Blood Bath

A painter of morbid art, who becomes a murderous vampire by night and kills young women, attempts a daytime relationship with a woman who resembles a former love and is also the sister of one of his victims..

Blood Bath

Blood Bath

A doll, awakened, follows a ribbon into an alternate reality where she discovers that which brings her life has the power to destroy her. A visual exploration of self-awareness and internal discovery, Blood Bath shows us life in duality. It is an expression of living as both human and object and asks us to consider brokeness as a gateway to strength..

Les Chroniques d'Erzebeth

Les Chroniques d'Erzebeth

Grandes Terres de l'Est, 1574. Alors que la guerre fait rage aux frontières, le royaume d'Erzebeth s'enfonce dans le chaos. Le roi vient de mourir, les seigneurs sans scrupule se présentent aux portes de la capitale. Le Reine veuve, mystérieuse et fascinante, prend le pouvoir. On la dit à moitié folle, on lui prête des pouvoirs surnaturels, certains parlent d'une créature inhumaine. Au milieu du tumulte, Etzko, jeune novice débrouillard et son maître Kriztar, décident de percer le mystère....

Blood Bath & Beyond

Blood Bath & Beyond

The movie is set up like an awards show, where Oderus Urungus and Sleazy P. Martini reminisce with montages. They are the only two members of Gwar to make appearances, save a brief cameo by Balsac the Jaws of Death at the end, though some of the other Slave Pit Inc. employees are featured. The announcer at the awards show is played by Chris Bopst, who was the first person to play Balsac the Jaws of Death..

Violent Blood Bath

Violent Blood Bath

A notoriously harsh French judge, vacationing at a luxury resort, finds his holiday interrupted when a mysterious killer begins murdering those in and around the hotel..

Heavy Mental: A Rock-n-Roll Blood Bath

Heavy Mental: A Rock-n-Roll Blood Bath

The story of a garage band rock star named Ace who receives a guitar as a gift that once belonged to the god father of heavy metal, Eddie Lee Stryker. Ace soon realizes that this guitar is possessed by the spirit of Eddie and that the rock god was murdered by Mrs. Delicious (the beautiful and deadly Detroit crime boss). With the help of her crew of sexy hit women, Mrs. Delicious is terrorizing the city. The violent vixens start on a killing spree murdering anyone who has borrowed money from their boss and has not paid her back. When the blood trail leads them to Ace's dad's guitar shop, Ace is forced to take action to save his friends and family and avenge the death of his rock-n-roll idol..

Blood Bath

Blood Bath

"Leti is not sick and you should stop worrying about her", says Erica. But Damián knows better: the night visits to the cemetery and the bathroom decorated with plaques; the knives on the wall and the frequent wounds; the bandages and the barbed wire... He also knows that Erica's arrival to get a picture and become famous for it was for the worst: now Leti wants to be sliced until there's no more Leti left to cut. He doesn't know their obsessions and desires will lead them to get together again, sharing the same place: a true bloody bath..

La Baie sanglante

La Baie sanglante

La Baie est un magnifique domaine, convoité par tous. La propriétaire, une vieille comtesse paralytique, refuse de vendre car elle ne veut pas le voir transformé en station balnéaire. Ventura, un architecte sans scrupule, met au point une machination criminelle pour s'emparer du site. Pendant ce temps, quatre jeunes gens entrent par effraction dans une villa du domaine, jusqu'à ce que l'une des filles découvre un cadavre flottant dans la Baie....

I Eat Your Skin

I Eat Your Skin

Un chercheur sur le cancer sur une île isolée des Caraïbes découvre qu'en traitant les indigènes avec du venin de serpent, il peut les transformer en zombies aux yeux d'insectes. Peu intéressé par ces informations, le malheureux est contraint par son méchant employeur de créer une armée de créatures afin de conquérir le monde..

Otages en sursis

Otages en sursis

3 dangereux truands s'échappent d'un fourgon des forces de l'ordre. Il y a Chino le porto ricain vicelard, Ling la brute asiatique et Jessie Lee, le cerveau fêlé de la bande. Après avoir dépouillé un maquereau black et abattu de sang froid quelques flics, les pieds nickelés se réfugient dans la baraque d'un pasteur noir et le prennent en otage lui et toute sa petite famille..



Chicken, a desperate hippie junkie living in a small Spanish village, is finding it difficult to separate fantasy and reality. This isn't helped by the villagers practising magic and child sacrifice, or his involvement with a group of boozy expatriates lost in their own dreams and regrets..