

Où voir Black Mask Netflix

Black mask

Black mask

Après avoir fait partie d'une escouade d'élite de l'armée, la 701, Tsui s'est enfui juste avant la suppression du groupe. Ces supers soldats ont été modifiés pour ne plus ressentir la douleur et devenir de vraies machines à tuer. Quelques années plus tard, des membres de la 701 réapparaissent et décident de faire main basse sur le marché criminel de Hong Kong. Seul Tsui peut s'opposer à eux....

Black Mask 2

Black Mask 2

Black Mask doit contrecarrer les plans d'une organisation criminelle qui projette de faire exploser une bombe bactériologique qui pourrait provoquer des mutations génétiques chez les humains..

Black Mask

Black Mask

A father must face his dark past when his gifted daughter has visions of a young girl reborn from her deceased mother. This award-winning metaphysical thriller combines elements of art house, avant-garde, surrealism, and experimental horror..

Black Mask

Black Mask

Jimmy McNamara is an ex-writer and WWII vet turned accountant who receives a call from Vivian, his ex-fiance and nightclub singer. Vivian got a Hollywood contract and is taking Jimmy with her. All he has to do is retrieve the negatives of compromising pictures that put her bright future in danger. But Jimmy's mission might not be as simple as it seems..

Black Magic Mask

Black Magic Mask

Aim is a prostitute who lives in a slum and is often gang-raped. She has a hard life but wants to have a luxurious life and escape from hardship. One day, Aim received advice from a procurer who is in the same brothel to meet with a master who has black magic. He tells Aim to do the ritual. “Black magic mask”, but before the master starts the ritual, he tells Aim the conditions: “In this world nothing is free. If you are thinking of doing it, you must accept the consequences.”.

Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask

Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask

Personnage emblématique, Frantz Fanon, psychiatre et écrivain noir décédé à l’âge de 36 ans dénonça avec passion le racisme et le colonialisme. Son portrait est dressé grâce à des documents d’archives, des entrevues et des scènes reconstituées. Structuré comme un pastiche postmoderne d'images d'archives et de reconstitutions en studio. Isaac Julien ne réalise pas un simple biopic de la vie de Frantz Fanon, mais plutôt une tentative de figurer sa pensée, ses contradictions philosophiques, sa complexité existentielle. Une dramatisation soigneusement chorégraphiée s'imbrique ainsi avec la parole éclairante de Stuart Hall et Françoise Vergès, les souvenirs intimes des amis et des proches du grand penseur sont confrontés aux archives de la Grand Histoire. Le grand thème – hégélien et cinématographique – du regard et du désir entre les maîtres et les esclaves, est le fil secret derrière cette histoire qui nous regarde, toutes et tous..

Kamen Rider

Kamen Rider

Le monde est tourmenté par Shocker, une mystérieuse organisation terroriste, qui recrute ses agents en kidnappant des personnes qu'ils transforment en mutants cyborgs. Takeshi Hongo, l'une des victimes, se rebelle juste avant la phase finale de sa transformation. A l'aide de ses nouveaux pouvoirs, il décide de combattre Shocker....

Black Skin White Masks

Black Skin White Masks

Animated film Black Skin White Masks was made in response to decolonial positions put forward by Frantz Fanon in his seminal works The Wretched Earth (1961) and Black Skin, White Masks (1952). The film was shot on 16mm using cutouts, photography and masks..

Black Mask

Black Mask

Gregory is in love with a carnival masquerade. He goes after her every year. His friends make fun, but he's a romantic convict. Luisette is a transvestite in search of affection. Together they spend a night of intense love. The next day, Gregory takes Luisette to a beneficent soccer game with friends dressed as women. As she plays he falls in love. Luisette captivates him by his sincere love..

Black Mask

Black Mask

The action of the film takes place in the post-war years, when a particularly dangerous gang of criminals "Black Mask" operated on the territory of Yakutia under the leadership of a former circus performer, strongman Ivan. Another strongman, senior police lieutenant Gavril Desyatkin, was ordered to neutralize the criminals. The film is based on the novel of the same name by the famous Yakut writer Egor Neimokhov and is based on real events that took place in Yakutia..

The Black Masks

The Black Masks

"The Black Masks", a secret political society, involves the beautiful agent Lydia to apprehend an important official document. Lieutenant von Muehlen is a trusted member of another secret society. He is on the same mission..

Black Mask Vs. Gambling Mastermind

Black Mask Vs. Gambling Mastermind

When Gao, the young saint of gamblers, vows not to gamble again after his latest win, he becomes the target of assassination from rival gamblers. He teams up with Black Mask to combat the assailants when he is challenged to an ultimate gambling duel..

Neutron and the Black Mask

Neutron and the Black Mask

Dr. Charon and his group of mad scientists built a neutron bomb with trying to blackmail the free world for global power. But the hero appears, Neutron, who, with the help of Dr. Thomas and reporter Nora spoil those plans..