

Où voir Beyond the Pale Netflix

Beyond the Pale

Beyond the Pale

Mr. Whicher is hired by former Home Secretary Sir Edward Shore to investigate the violent threats made against his son Charles, who has recently returned from India with his family..

Beyond the Pale

Beyond the Pale

"The British Brothers leave Hackney at 4:30 today and will march with bands and banners through the Jewish quarters of Whitechapel and Bethnal Green." The story of Jewish immigrants in London's East End in the early 20th century..

Beyond The Pale

Beyond The Pale

Milly and her friends have been going on holiday together ever since they've known each other. This summer they return to one of their favourite haunts, a beautiful Irish country hotel. It's a place full of fond memories for all of them, but on this occasion their sense of ease and comfort is destroyed when a terrible secret is revealed..

JARV IS... Beyond the Pale - Live From The Centre of The Earth

JARV IS... Beyond the Pale - Live From The Centre of The Earth

“Beyond the Pale” was written (& partially recorded) in front of a live audience, so it feels extra-strange not to be able to take it on the road at the moment. Fortunately, our friends Iain & Jane suggested a way round the problem: set up our equipment in a cave & they would film the results. We have invented a new way of playing a concert..

Beyond the Pale

Beyond the Pale

Normal intrusive thoughts are a common psychological phenomenon, even the most trusted members of our society have got them. The judge jumps the bench, the nurse hurts her patient and the priest throws his children off the cliff. This short, humorous film points out how fragile our society is and questions our liability as citizens..

Derrière les fronts : résistances et résiliences en Palestine

Derrière les fronts : résistances et résiliences en Palestine

Derrière les fronts propose un cheminement dans nos esprits et sur les routes de Palestine, en compagnie de la psychiatre psychothérapeute et écrivaine palestinienne Dr. Samah Jabr. Dans l’héritage de Frantz Fanon, psychiatre anticolonialiste, elle témoigne des stratégies et conséquences psychologiques de l'occupation et des outils des palestiniens(nes) pour y faire face et résilier. Des extraits de ses chroniques et interviews seront la tige principale d'un film aux multiples voix. Dans cette Palestine fragmentée, des palestiniens(nes) aux multiples identités, partagent leurs résistances et résiliences face aux blessures invisibles de l'occupation..