

Où voir Bewitched Netflix

Ma sorcière bien-aimée

Ma sorcière bien-aimée

Isabel, sublime sorcière déterminée à vivre sans sorcellerie, part à Hollywood afin de trouver l'amour parmi les mortels. Là-bas, elle rencontre Jack, un acteur qui la persuade de jouer à ses côtés dans le remake de la célèbre série Ma sorcière bien aimée. Nos deux héros vont tomber amoureux, et provoquer malgré eux une collision entre leurs deux univers..



The story is set in a small English coastal town, around the turn of the century. A young woman, thought by many in the village to be a witch, dies suddenly one day. Not long after she's buried, the villagers begin to see her walking around the area and especially along the shoreline. The village minister begins to look into her life and her death, hoping to lay the spirit to rest..



Un playboy hongkongais séduit une jeune thaïlandaise alors qu'il fait un voyage "de plaisir" à Bangkok. De retour chez lui, il l'oublie rapidement, passant à d'autres conquêtes. Elle ne l'entend pas de cette façon et se rend chez un sorcier local pour lui lancer un sort. Très vite, d'étranges événements surviennent et le poussent finalement à l'irréparable : le meurtre de sa propre fille. Arrêté par la police, il se confie à un policier qui décide d'aller enquêter en Thaïlande..

My Wife is a Magical Girl: Bewitched Agnes

My Wife is a Magical Girl: Bewitched Agnes

Ureshiko Asaba, 26 years old, married. Few people know the fact that she is a magical girl named "Agnes", and she is actually the guardian of the town where she lives. One day she meets Sayaka Kurenai, aka "Cruje", another magical girl appointed by the magic realm as the legitimate sucessor to her position, but Agnes is reluctant in letting her assume because she knows that Cruje has orders to erase the whole place, including its human inhabitants with the purpose of creating a new one. To complicate matters, Ureshiko must deal with the growing distance between her and her husband, Tamotsu, her crescent feelings for Tatsumi Kagura, a young man who is now living as a tenant in her home, and the fact that in the moment she ever kisses a common human, she would lose her powers forever..

Bewitched by My Sexy Boyfriend

Bewitched by My Sexy Boyfriend

Sakaino Hitomi is an honest lady from a well-to-do family. She is envied by everyone for being engaged with Akashi Keigo, a man with a good appearance, high income, high education, and kindness. Hitomi is about to get married but suddenly got attracted to a man, Manabu whom she met at a construction site..

Bewitching Nozomi

Bewitching Nozomi

Nozomi Egawa and Ryōtarō Shiba are the new high school students in town. As a matter of fact, they've just moved into houses next door to each other. In a chance encounter, Nozomi realizes that Ryōtarō has genius reflexes and vision, so urges him to join the boxing club to realize her dream of seeing her brother representing Japan in the Barcelona Olympics. This is the story of Ryōtarō's journey to make that dream a reality..

Bewitched Housewives

Bewitched Housewives

In 1692 Salem an accused witch is rescued at the last moment by the Sisterhood of Witches and transported to the modern day where she assume the life of a Plain Jane suburban housewife. When the Witch Hunter is accidentally transported through time as well it becomes a game of Cat and Mouse..

Lili la petite sorcière : Le Dragon et le sortilège de Noël

Lili la petite sorcière : Le Dragon et le sortilège de Noël

Lilli la petite sorcière est exaspérée par son petit frère. Lorsqu’à Noël il brise son télescope tout neuf, elle décide de lui donner une bonne leçon : elle invoque le père fouettard, qui se retrouve téléporté dans leur monde. Mais celui-ci n’entend pas suivre les instructions de Lilli et fait son chemin à la recherche de Saint Nicolas… Il redevient progressivement l’être mauvais qu’il était avant, et commence à semer la panique dans la ville. Lilli devra déployer toute son intelligence et ses pouvoirs pour rétablir la situation..

Elizabeth Montgomery: A Bewitched Life

Elizabeth Montgomery: A Bewitched Life

"Bewitched" remains beloved nearly 60 years after its debut. The series lead, Elizabeth Montgomery, was a complex, strong-willed woman whose life and career became an ongoing quest for love and recognition she never received from her movie star father. "Bewitched" became one of television's biggest hits during the turbulent 1960s, a time that was symbolic of the series' behind-the-scenes turmoil..

L'Auberge ensorcelée

L'Auberge ensorcelée

Un homme barbu s'installe dans la chambre d'une auberge. Alors qu'il a le dos tourné, ses bagages disparaissent, puis son chapeau entreprend de ramper dans tous les sens..