

Où voir Automatic Netflix



Robgen industries newest security system is "The J Series Automatic", an android model designed and programmed to protect humans from violent attacks. But one night, an Automatic named J269 discovers a Robgen executive trying to rape a female employee named Nora Rochester. While trying to stop the crime, he inadvertently kills the executive. At this point, J269 then calls Goddard Marx (his creator and a Robgen chairman) to inform him of the incident. Marx tells the android to stay there with Rochester until help arrives, but Marx is intent on sweeping the fiasco under the rug by sending mercenaries to eliminate both J269 and Rochester. Now the two are fugitives on the run from a para-military hit squad..



Two young women convince each other they are under threat after accidentally photographing what they believe to be a concealed automatic rifle. Shot in drawn-out, static takes, Emma Doxiadi’s comical mystery comments on Greece’s ongoing refugee crisis in real time, pointing squarely at foolish knee-jerk reactions..



Everyone falls into destructive habits. Automatic lets us view a small cross-section of the lives of six characters as they struggle to break free from the automatic behavior that drives their lives..



Three men, three cars and three obsessions: automatic is a rhythmical and pulsating tribute to the garage and the engine, but most of all to the car as a fetish. The hot Latin beats fill the garage with music..

Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden

Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden

Mahoro, une androïde de combat, décide de prendre sa retraite après une guerre contre des envahisseurs extra-terrestres sur Terre. Vu ses exploits en temps de guerre, les supérieurs de Mahoro décident de lui donner le choix entre continuer à servir ou bien être désarmée et vivre en civile. Cependant, Mahoro étant une androïde, sa durée de vie est limitée: une trentaine de jours si elle reste, ou bien une année si elle se laisse désarmer. Elle décide alors de terminer ses jours en civile, en tant que domestique pour un jeune orphelin, pas si étranger qu'il ne le pense à l'organisation à laquelle Mahoro appartient....

The Automatic Hate

The Automatic Hate

When Davis Green's alluring young cousin Alexis appears on his doorstep one night, he discovers that a side of his family has been kept secret from him. Against his father’s wishes, Davis travels to rural, upstate New York to meet his other cousins..



Jacq Vaucan, un agent d'assurance de ROC robotics corporation, fait des tests sur des robots. Ce qu'il découvre va avoir de profondes conséquences sur l'avenir de l'humanité..

Automatic at Sea

Automatic at Sea

On a whim, Eve, a young Swedish traveler, accepts an invitation from Peter to vacation on his family's private island off the coast of New England. As a series of unexpected delays prevent other guests from arriving, Eve discovers that she has little in common with the increasingly erratic Peter. Gradually the idyllic natural beauty of the island gives way and Eve finds herself trapped in a state of surreality punctuated by bizarre visions, dimensional shifting and secret pizza..

Automatic Brain

Automatic Brain

Two parts documentary about the brain: "The Magic of the Unconscious" and "The Power of the Unconscious" "Your brain is a state-of-the-art marvel, managing 90% of everything you do without letting you know regardless of whether you're awake or asleep. When you think you have an idea your brain has already had that idea. Something in your head navigates you through the everyday adventures of modern life, something that decides things for you before you can think about it, because your brain is always on automatic.".