

Où voir Amok Netflix



Un homme est assassiné, mais le responsable évite d'être découvert et arrêté. Quelques années plus tard, un inspecteur de police soupçonne qu'il a trouvé des preuves dans un livre récemment publié intitulé 'Amok'..



Entertaining movie about the early days of Polish stock exchange in the beginning of 80's. Young TV reporter is sucked into the inferno of easy money, deception, crime, sex and drugs. Sometimes like Kieslowski's moral tales, sometimes like Pasikowski's brutal fables, even sometimes like "Once upon a time in America". Fantastic creations of Baka as Maks and Majchrzak as Rekin /the Shark/ - evil incarnated..



A European doctor, in self-imposed exile in some place like Borneo, obsesses crazily over a ruling-class white woman..



Après avoir perdu sa fiancée et son beau visage dans un terrible accident, Clyde doit se confronter à son démon intérieur..



A horrible work accident triggers a terrifying event from Adam's childhood. Newly settled in NYC with his wife and newborn son, he's haunted by the past while struggling to hold onto the present..



The bustling and sweltering rugged intersection of Pasay Rotonda serves as the main setting for this story of interconnected fate and destiny. As a raging man's bullets strays into different directions, the fate of several different characters are sealed and determined. As the temperature rises, the tension escalates and the story unravels with unforgiving immediacy and explodes in the end as each one struggles to survive and escape their inevitable end..



Whenever people are released from their society's constraints, there is the possibility that they will behave badly, at least according to the rules of the society they have left behind. This seems to have been particularly the case for Europeans living in colonial establishments in Africa and Asia. In this drama, based on a story by Stefan Zweig, Dr. Steiner (Andrzej Seweryn) was caught with his fingers in the till at a German hospital. Rather than prosecute him, they gave him the option of emigrating elsewhere. He chose to serve at a clinic in a remote part of Portuguese Goa. He has been on his best behavior for years, but when the beautiful wife (Fanny Ardant) of a diplomat comes to him asking for an abortion, he is tempted to ask for sexual favors in return, and his life swiftly goes out of control..



A man is bombarding his environment by throwing everything he owns out of his balcony. The peace is lasting only for a short time, until a fly starts to trouble him again..



The desperate private war of a Vietnam veteran of the US Army. The Film explores the biggest amok run in the history of the USA at that point of time. The story of a mass murder in San Diego on July 18 1984 is told by showing reports of a local TV station. It turns out that the amok was partly caused by traumatic experiences during the Vietnam War..



In the 1960's of Malaysia, Natalie is an American on a Peace Corp mission. She meets Wan, a local man, and they become involved. Natalie is wild and carefree, yet very aware of Malay custom and tradition. Wan is very traditional, and has a strong-willed mother who wants him home to marry the girl of her choice. Supernatural elements manifesting themselves in his recurring nightmares compound his sense of guilt for the great sin he has committed. Torn between two cultures, Wan becomes more unhappy and unhinged when he realizes that Natalie has no interest in any commitment. Something's going to snap....



Hanté par un besoin obsessionnel de vengeance, un chasseur s'enfonce dans une jungle tropicale hostile pour retrouver son ennemi juré : la panthère noire..



Wayne Lo is intellectually gifted, did well at school and plays the violin superbly. At Simon's Rock College in Massachusetts he shot dead two men unprovoked, injured many others and is now serving a life sentence. Troller draws a bold portrait that centres around one question: why?.