

Not Your Time voirfilms

Don't Waste Your Time, Lovers

Don't Waste Your Time, Lovers

Tokiwa Megu is a modern-era woman who excels at work but cannot succeed where romance is concerned. By chance, she meets Iura Kakeru, a member of the time patrol team who comes from the future and together they receive a special mission where they are tasked to catch illegal time travelers. Although the two were former lovers, Megu’s memory of their time together has been erased in accordance with the time traveling governing rules. In order to make her relationship come to fruition this time, Megu spends time struggling to find the love of her life..

Hello, It's Your Time!

Hello, It's Your Time!

The messenger of death appears on Earth and under the name of Pavel they come to people with a warning. Death makes no exceptions for anyone, and thanks to Pasha, they can correct the mistakes of life before their last breath. Of course, if they believe that death is near. With each new mission, the herald grows more sympathetic to these strange people, and appreciates his work less and less. He doesn't know what love is, but he falls in love. He does not know what humor is, but he laughs more and more often. He does not know what life is, but every time he delays the moment of departure of his wards..

Time of Your Life

Time of Your Life

Noel Edmonds helps a celebrity recall a magical moment in their life by recreating the month in the year in which it happened. A sort of "Where Are They Now" meets "This is Your Life" - there are interviews with people who were on television or in the news at the time, music from chart toppers, archive film and audio, and, in the last series, surprise reunions of survivors of disasters with their rescuer..

Quelle heure est-il dans ton monde?

Quelle heure est-il dans ton monde?

Goli décide sur un coup de tête de retourner en Iran après 20 ans de vie en France. Elle atterrit à Rasht, sa ville natale, située dans le nord du pays. Farhad, encadreur de profession, vient l’accueillir. Il semble très bien connaitre Goli, mais la jeune femme ne se souvient absolument pas de lui..

Before Your Time

Before Your Time

Après la perte de leur mère, Dylan, 17 ans, ses deux sœurs et son père sont contraints de retourner dans la petite ville où leurs parents se sont rencontrés et ont grandi. Tout en se remettant sur pied, la famille reste avec leur excentrique tante Norah et tente de s'adapter à une nouvelle vie. Ils rencontrent un gamin excentrique du quartier, Pete, qui les convainc de se lancer dans une aventure de type «bucket-list» inspirée d'une liste trouvée dans les boîtes de rangement de leur père. La tâche n'est pas aussi facile qu'il y paraît et enseigne en fin de compte à tout le monde comment gérer le deuil, aller de l'avant et l'importance de la famille..

Désolé, il n’y a plus de sous pour votre retraite

Désolé, il n’y a plus de sous pour votre retraite

How much will I have when I retire? Will the amount be enough to live on or will I have to move, change my life? The future of our pensions is the number one concern of the Swiss, including the younger generations. The 2nd pillar pensions are inevitably melting, caught between financial markets that have become unpredictable and a life expectancy that continues to increase. We dive into the hell of pensions, through three generations..

Take Your Time: Arayashiki

Take Your Time: Arayashiki

This documentary was filmed at Maki, a small commune at the foot of Japan’s Northern Alps in Nagano Prefecture. Maki is deep in the mountains, inaccessible to vehicles. The residents have to walk a narrow mountain path for 90 minutes to get in or out. Various kinds of people with varying mental and physical problems live alongside their healthy fellows in a grand two storied thatched house. They eke out a living by growing their own food and bartering for essential items..

You're My Boyfriend, You're the First-timer

You're My Boyfriend, You're the First-timer

Tommy, who has been unemployed and has been employed after a long time, goes on a date with his girlfriend before he goes to work for the first time, and also bumps into the mill together. Tommy comes home with a lot of disgusting jokes about his girlfriend and wakes up with a man he's never seen before... He ran to Ji-hyeon from dawn, but Ji-hyeon tells him to leave before reporting. How will Tommy deal with this absurd situation....