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Not Fade Away

Not Fade Away

Dans le New Jersey des années 60, Douglas, adolescent timide, commence à percer sur la scène rock avec son groupe, The Twylight Zones. De son côté, son père voit d’un mauvais œil l’engouement de son fils pour la musique rock….

Not Fade Away

Not Fade Away

Une jeune femme, née avec une maladie génétique rare qui lui fait perdre la vue et l'ouïe au fil du temps, va surprendre et réfuter les pronostics des médecins quant à l'évolution de sa maladie..

We Will Not Fade Away

We Will Not Fade Away

For five teenagers living in the conflict-ridden Donbas region of Ukraine, a Himalayan expedition provides a brief escape from reality. A portrait of a generation that, in spite of everything, is able to recognise and celebrate the fragile beauty of life. The film's working title was "Expedition 49"..

Fade Far Away

Fade Far Away

A mother waits with her two young children in a restaurant by the sea for her order. The children quarrel and play, the mother looks tired and absent. Acted with beautiful naturalness (an actress with her own children). A penetrating family drama about loss and emptiness..

Round Vernian Vifam: 12 Fade Away

Round Vernian Vifam: 12 Fade Away

Scott is furious after being falsely accused of peeping into the bedrooms of Claire, Maki, and Katue, and gets into a small craft to run away from home. In the end, he returns to the Janus, but immediately afterwards the computer indicates phantom images inside the ship, and one by one people start to disappear....