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No. 6

No. 6

En 2013, à la suite de la dernière grande guerre, la majeure partie de la surface habitable disparut et, de ce fait, les armements militaires furent interdits. Ce fut le traité de Babylone qui organisa une seule entité indépendante pour gouverner les six régions restantes. Shion habite dans une de ces régions très contrôlées et hiérarchisées, appelée No. 6. Il fait partie de la future élite de la ville et suit un enseignement spécial depuis l'âge de deux ans. Une nuit, il sauve un garçon surnommé le Rat (Nezumi), qui a échappé à la police de sécurité. À partir de ce moment-là, la vie de Shion prend un tournant radical et ne sera plus jamais la même. .

Digimon Adventure tri. 6: Bokura no Mirai

Digimon Adventure tri. 6: Bokura no Mirai

Le monde a commencé à s'effondrer. Le déchaîné Meicoomon absorbe Tailmon, qui a subi une sombre évolution, et se transforme en l'immensément puissant Ordinemon. Conformément aux prévisions d'Yggdrasil, le monde réel est sur le point d'être englouti par le monde numérique. Pendant ce temps, l'homéostasie considère qu'Ordinemon est hors de contrôle et met en place son plan final qui englobera le monde réel. Le temps est venu pour les DigiDestinés de prendre une décision finale. Quel avenir choisiront-ils pour eux-mêmes ?.

Towa no Quon 6 : Quon l'Eternel, l'éternité infinie

Towa no Quon 6 : Quon l'Eternel, l'éternité infinie

Cette histoire suit un garçon nommé Quon et ses amis, qui sont des "Attracteurs". Les attracteurs sont des êtres humains qui se sont éveillés et ont des pouvoirs surnaturels. Quon est déterminé à tous les sauver. Mais une organisation secrète les chasse... Quon va devoir affronter son dernier combat.

Blue Submarine N° 6

Blue Submarine N° 6

Au cours du 21ème siècle, les calottes polaires ont fondu et ont submergé la surface terrestre, faisant plusieurs milliards de victimes. Dans ce paysage apocalyptique, où l'eau est devenue synonyme de mort, les survivants tentent de résister aux assauts des hybrides, des créatures mi-humaines mi-animales..

The Generation of ‘60s. The Unknown Friendship

The Generation of ‘60s. The Unknown Friendship

The differences of origin and poetics between José Martínez Suárez and Manuel Antin, representatives of the cinema of the ‘60s’ Generation, are proof of the heterogeneity of the period and, at the same time, share the creation of a renovating and personal aesthetic that observes reality with a critical eye..

Compartiment n° 6

Compartiment n° 6

Une jeune Finlandaise prend un train à Moscou pour se rendre sur un site archéologique en mer arctique. Elle est contrainte de partager son compartiment avec un inconnu. Cette cohabitation et d’improbables rencontres vont peu à peu rapprocher ces deux êtres que tout oppose..

Victim No. 6

Victim No. 6

Sharp period detail, a solid central performance from Heather Brittain O’Scanlon, and smart storytelling hooks are the ticket in Nancy Menagh’s award-winning VICTIM NO.6. A serial killer stalks 1975 NYC. That’s not going to stop New Yorkers from having fun in this largely bar-set short. It’s a groovy time. Just be careful who you leave with. – Mitch Davis.

Controle No. 6

Controle No. 6

Shot entirely on CCTV cameras while working at a suburban multiplex cinema, Jann Clavadetscher’s Controle No 6 is no budget filmmaking in the truest sense. Constructed over many weeks, Jann surreptitiously performed for the cinema’s security cameras, in empty car parks, box office booths and lifts, only later going back to comb through these tapes in an attempt to retrieve the material in which he appears. With movie star looks and an affection for body comedy, Jann could be situated as the Harold Lloyd of the Experimental Film Society of which he forms part (as unlikely as that sounds). Lloyd serves as a model here for a naturally physical performer, but also for the ways in which Clavadetscher gracefully skips over what would otherwise be impossibly restrictive conditions in which to make a film..

Plot No. 666

Plot No. 666

Jayasaptagiri Productions in association with Pen & Camera International presents a Psychotic Brothers Film. Six people go through the trauma of their lives as they come onto an abandoned piece of property known as "Plot No. 666." Being a restricted area because it is the site of many people's deaths, the local villagers fear coming to this area..

Lionel Nation No. 6

Lionel Nation No. 6

See Lionel's classic steam switchers from the scale and semi-scale switchers of the prewar era to the high-tech models of the modern era. Then check out Lionel's irresistible operating and action cars like the milk and cattle cars, the merchandise car, poultry dispatch, and more. Also see what trains and accessories would have looked like had they been produced as pictured in the catalog, and much more..

Bruckner: Symphony No. 6

Bruckner: Symphony No. 6

Anton Bruckner’s 6th Symphony was written between 1879 and 1881: a very happy time in his life. Unlike most of Bruckner’s symphonies, the 6th was not revised. Of all his works, this one seems to come from a single source of inspiration. Bruckner himself called it his “boldest” symphony – probably due to its extreme degree of motivic, rhythmic and harmonic originality. This live recording of the seldom-performed 6th Symphony is the next instalment of the acclaimed Bruckner cycle by the Staatskapelle Berlin and Daniel Barenboim. Anton Bruckner Symphony No. 6 in A major (original version) Daniel Barenboim, Conductor Staatskapelle Berlin Recorded live at the Philharmonie Berlin, 22 June 2010.

Case No. 666/2013

Case No. 666/2013

Three buddies Bhaskar, Chaitanya and Durga along with a stranger, venture into a forest and stay in a haunted guest house. They carry two cameras through which they start recording interesting and mysterious happenings. As the mystery unfolds, the friends go missing one after the other. After six months of their disappearance, police investigate the case and recover three memory cards from their cameras which reveal a shocking truth..