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No Longer Human

No Longer Human

Osamu Dazai est l'un des romanciers les plus populaires au Japon. Comme la plupart des artistes, il a ses vulnérabilités et ses expositions. Dans ce cas, l'homme est un nomade alcoolique et lubrique. En d'autres termes, tout en étant marié, il a deux prostituées sur le côté....

No Longer Human

No Longer Human

‘No Longer Human’ follows the life of a newly homeless man who has fallen deep into the pits of loneliness. We all need someone, or something, to make sense of everything. That could take the shape of God, a partner, a best friend, but in this case... a dog..

No Longer Human

No Longer Human

A film-poem dedicated to the introspection of a subject that sees himself stuck to his non identity, trying to redefine it through the Seventh Art. "She lay down beside me, Towards dawn she pronounced for the first time the word “death.” She too seemed to be weary beyond endurance of the task of being a human being." - Osamu Dazai.

No Longer Human…In Another World

No Longer Human…In Another World

An adventure in another world with cute girls by your side and video game-like powers–sounds like an anime fan’s dream, right? Not so for melancholic author Osamu Dazai, who would quite literally prefer to drop dead. Video games haven’t even been invented yet when he gets yanked into another world in 1948. Really, all the fantastical adventure he keeps running into is just getting in the way of his poetic dream of finding the perfect place to die. But no matter how much he risks his hide, everything seems to keep turning out okay. Follow a miserable hero like no other in this cheerfully bleak isekai comedy!.

New - No Longer Human

New - No Longer Human

Based on the novel by Osamu Dazai and distributed by ATG. The story of a young man who is caught between the breakup of the traditions of a northern Japanese aristocratic family and the impact of Western ideas. In consequence, he feels himself "disqualified from being human" (a literal translation of the Japanese title) and goes down the stairs to self-destruction step by step..



A forty year old woman who feels like she has not accomplished anything in life and a twenty-seven year old man who's frightened of himself..

The Fallen Angel

The Fallen Angel

The story of a young man who has felt since childhood utterly alien from others around him. Since that time he has learned to put on a face to hide his alienation. He feels incapable of belonging to the human society, especially so by society's refusal to take him seriously. He then follows a descent into alcohol, drugs, & suicide ....

Human lost

Human lost

Tokyo, 2036. Une découverte médicale révolutionnaire vient de faire son apparition. À l'aide de nanomachines, les êtres humains sont désormais promis à une espérance de vie dépassant les 120 ans, libérés de toutes maladies. Une promesse idyllique... pour la poignée de nantis pouvant y accéder. Disparités sociales toujours plus grandes, décadence éthique et morale, pollution... L'envers du décor suggère une évolution de l'humanité bien plus sombre..