

No Limits

American Pie présente : No Limit !

American Pie présente : No Limit !

Après avoir ruiné la cérémonie de remise des diplômes de son lycée, Matt Stifler, petit frère de Steve, est envoyé à Toal Oaks durant tout l'été en guise de punition. Mais le jeune Matt a bien des idées en tête....

No Limit

No Limit

Vincent, agent à la DGSE est atteint d’une maladie incurable. Il est contacté par un département secret qui lui propose un traitement expérimental en échange de missions spéciales sur le territoire français, qu’il accepte pour se rapprocher géographiquement de sa fille de 15 ans, de son ex-femme et de sa sœur, flic à la crime. Défis pour Vincent, il devra assumer en même temps la crise d’adolescence de sa fille, les états d’âme de son ex et éviter que sa sœur, flic, ne le reconnaisse alors qu’il n’est officiellement qu’un simple poseur d’alarmes….

No Limit

No Limit

Younger, un psychopathe, menace les États-Unis en déclarant avoir dissimulé trois bombes nucléaires dans trois villes américaines. Capturé par les autorités, il est interrogé par l'agent du FBI, Helen Brody, qui désespère de le faire parler. Jusqu'à l'arrivée de H, un agent du gouvernement, bien décidé à tout mettre en œuvre pour faire craquer le suspect et découvrir où sont cachées les bombes….

Idris Elba: No Limits

Idris Elba: No Limits

Follow Idris as he pushes himself to the max to master some of the toughest speed disciplines in the world, before taking to both land and air to participate in some of the most fiercely fought competitions in sport..

No Limits

No Limits

His new adventure takes Zanardi to one of the most famous endurance races in the world: The 24 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps. He shares the cockpit of the BMW GT race car with two of the fastest men in the sport: Ex-Formula 1 driver Timo Glock and touring-car champ Bruno Spengler. They form nothing less than an all-star team of race-track pioneers, going beyond limits and limitations. Never before has a handicapped driver competed in a 24 hour race on this level with able-bodied drivers. The documentary covers the whole story: From their first get-together at BMW headquarters in Munich until the lights turn green in Belgium and the Iron Man with plastic legs limps into his racing car, changing seat and steering wheel with his teammate. But for Alex Zanardi, even after the marathon race, his mission is not over. Only four days later, he is eager to defend his white jersey at the Handcycle World Championship in Switzerland - an outrageous challenge, even for the man with no limits..

No Limits

No Limits

No Limits was a BBC2 pop music television programme that ran in four series from 1985 to 1987. It was created by Jonathan King as a British version of his series "Entertainment USA" and would usually go out in a teatime/early evening slot such as Tuesdays at 7pm. The show's logo was a roadsign with a red ring and a black dash. The show was presented in its first series by Jeremy Legg and Lisa Maxwell, and for the remaining three series by Tony Baker and Jenny Powell. The presenters regularly took part in stunts such as jetbiking. In its final season, in addition to Tony Baker and Jenny Powell, presenters were chosen from around the country to represent different regions. Terry Vaughan and Linda Huntley represented the Southeast region. Each week the show was set in a different town or location, and as well as pop videos, had its own specially made videos about that location and some things that the place was famous for. The show also had both UK and US chart countdowns. At its peak the series was the No1 rated show on BBC2 and touched 6 million weekly viewers, an incredible quantity at the time..

No Limits

No Limits

Suffering from scoliosis as a teenager, Audrey Mestre found freedom in the ocean. Years later, she discovered another reason to love the water: the elusive, often raucous free diver Pipin Ferreras. As Mestre follows Ferreras's almost spiritual quest to push his limits underwater, she moves from supporter to ardent free diver to world-class competitor. Then a challenge from a rival pushes the couple to the brink of what is possible, both above and below the surface..

Feast 2: No Limit

Feast 2: No Limit

Les monstres du premier épisode arrivent dans une petite bourgade perdue au milieu de nulle part. Des autochtones retranchés dans un bar vont devoir s'unir pour pouvoir survivre....

Fast track : Sans limites

Fast track : Sans limites

Les courses de rues. L'exhaltation. La liberté. Le risque. Le sexe. Et surtout, l'argent. Cependant, pour un policier recrue, une femme-trophée, un pilote en fuite et une jeune femme mécanicienne, courser dan les rues est le seule mode de vie qui existe..

LEGO City : Aucune limite

LEGO City : Aucune limite

Moi et mon équipe – le magicien des voitures personnalisées Mech.Max, le génie de la technologie Bytz et l'amoureuse de la nature Wanda vous promettent un monde de plaisir et d'action sans fin, alors rendez-vous sur et retrouvez-vous au bord de la ville. Citoyens plus tard !.

No Speed Limit

No Speed Limit

Brent vit à Brighton et s'occupe de son père alcoolique et de son jeune frère. Sa passion est une Ford Capri, voiture mythique, qu'il a retapée lui-même. Il devient le leader d'un gang de street racers, qui est bientôt défié par un gang ennemi. Une course mortelle se prépare... Mais Brent tombe amoureux d'Ophélia, jeune fille des beaux quartiers..

No Limbs, No Limits

No Limbs, No Limits

Directed by her brother Steven O' Riordan and narrated by Tony Award Winning actress Marie Mullen, this film follows Joanne's journey from her home in County Cork to the United Nations in New York, where she delivers a key-note speech and a challenge to the most influential women in technology: to build her a robot. Through touchingly candid interviews with her parents and moving use of old home movies, No Limbs No Limits demonstrates the incredible things one can achieve when motivated by love. It is a story of hope, triumph over adversity and is a story of how human resilience can conquer all by overcoming many obstacle to achieve what others would deem impossible..

Clarkson: No Limits

Clarkson: No Limits

Jeremy Clarkson takes driving lessons to new and uncharted heights. You'll learn how to stay in control when going sideways with smoke pouring off the tyres. How to stop faster than you ever thought possible. How to get in the G-zone twhile you're cornering. To demonstrate Jeremy uses the Lamborghini Murcielago, the new TVR Tuscan R, the Mitsubishi Evoll, the Bentley Arnage and many more..

No Limits: The Thalidomide Saga

No Limits: The Thalidomide Saga

Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker John Zaritsky returns to the story that has fascinated and compelled him for years - thalidomide and it's effect on the survivors of "the worst drug disaster in history." In this, his third film on the subject, he reconnects with some of the thalidomide victims he originally profiled when they were young, and introduces us to some new people who have been active in the fight for justice. He also highlights some recently released information about German pharmaceutical giant Grünenthal, who aggressively marketed the drug, and are now selling it again under a different usage, but still with no compensation for those who's lives they affected so deeply. The indefatigable spirit of the extraordinary thalidomide victims is cast against the callousness disregard of the drug's manufacturers in a film that lays out the story from it's beginnings in the late 50s to the current state of affairs in the present day. —Philip Webley.

Red Bull New Year No Limits

Red Bull New Year No Limits

New Year No Limits is an annual American television special that airs on ESPN since 2007 during the New Year's Eve period. It was created, hosted and sponsored by Red Bull. The program usually airs after the Chick-Fil-A Bowl until 1 AM Eastern time..

One Ocean: No Limits

One Ocean: No Limits

Follows a young Irish novice rower, Adam Burke, through the highs and lows of rowing completely unassisted, as part of a crew of six, across the vast Atlantic Ocean from Morocco to Barbados, in their effort to break the world record for the fastest Atlantic crossing by rowing boat..

The City of No Limits

The City of No Limits

Victor is a man who gets to Paris to join his family around their seriously ill father, Max. Victor is desperately asked for help by Max. What seems in the beginning mere delusions of an old man losing his mind, begin to show traces of some sort of real 'secret' that is troubling Max's last days. Victor decide to help his father to find that he is searching for..