

Ninja Gaiden sokroflix gratuit

Ninja Gaiden

Ninja Gaiden

A long time ago, there was a war between the Evil God and the Dragon God. The war finally came to an end when a Dragon Ninja, who had the power of the Dragon God, sealed away the Evil God.Several thousand years later, in New York, a young ninja named Ryu is attacked by a couple of men in black suits wearing white masks. He notices that they are related to someone worshiping the same Evil God of the past and resolves to fight against them before the Evil God is unsealed again..

Kamui the Ninja: Stories Other Than the Legend

Kamui the Ninja: Stories Other Than the Legend

Kamui the Ninja: Stories Other Than the Legend is a shōnen anime produced by Tele-Cartoon Japan in 1969. It was broadcast in Japan from 6 April 1969 to 28 September 1969 by Fuji TV. Kamui the Ninja had 26 episodes with a running time of 22 minutes each one. The series was based on the manga The Legend of Kamui by Sanpei Shirato..

Kamui, le ninja solitaire

Kamui, le ninja solitaire

Un récit qui nous plonge en plein cœur d'un monde de ninjas que Kamui tente de fuir tant bien que mal, afin de retrouver un semblant de liberté. C'était sans compter sur le poids du destin qui le lie jusqu'à la mort à son clan. Kamui deviendra donc la cible d'incessantes attaques de ninjas entraînant dans son sillage mort et désolation….

Cyber Ninja

Cyber Ninja

In a futuristic version of medieval Japan, a band of swordsmen battles an evil warlord and his mechanical army of ninjas, and are aided by a mysterious heroic cyborg ninja, Shiranui..

Kamui the Ninja

Kamui the Ninja

After working his way up from the oppressed peasant class, the rogue ninja Kamui must struggle to free himself from the iron fist of his own clan. He travels through all the country running from ruthless killers who have traveled to the ends of the Earth to destroy him. The movie version of the ninja anime based on Sanpei Shirato's manga..