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Nature morte

Nature morte

Dans un village québécois, la doyenne, Jane est retrouvée assassinée. Institutrice à la retraite, la victime a été tuée par une flèche, conduisant alors l'inspecteur Armand Gamache et son lieutenant Jean-Guy Beauvoir à suspecter les chasseurs à l'arc, nombreux dans le village. Mais ils découvrent que la vieille maison de famille de Jane contient de nombreuses peintures murales sous la tapisserie. Le meurtrier semble savoir que ces tableaux détiennent les preuves de son crime..

Nature Morte

Nature Morte

An undercover French cop and an American art critic travel to a mystical island to verify the source of a painting of a scene that only the infamous "Marseilles Monster" serial killer could have created..

Nature morte

Nature morte

La vie d'un vieux garde-barriere bascule le jour ou il recoit son avis de mise a la retraite. Remplace par un jeune, il doit quitter avec sa femme la maison ou ils ont vecu la plus grande partie de leur vie. Ils n'ont nulle part ou aller..

Nature Morte

Nature Morte

AUGUSTINE and MARTIN. No need of more protagonists; like Adam and Eve they live in their paradise, sealed off from space and time. An interpretation of the phenomena hysteria that tries to lead back the medium film to the roots in photography..

Nature Morte

Nature Morte

This is a recording of a silent moment, in which 2 men prepare themselves for a military action. While the older one leaves in the end, weapon to his shoulder, the younger one decides to stay. In this video, Zaatari works with a former member of the Lebanese Resistance, Mohammad Abu Hammane, who was featured 11 years ago in his video "All is well on the border" (1997). His reappearance in this work is a transposition in time that evokes the awakening of an older resistant, now revisiting his military gear. This video was shot in Hubbariyeh, a Lebanese village located in the Aarqub area in South Lebanon, where the fidaeyin (Palestinian resistant fighters) based themselves in Lebanon in the late 1960s. The village is only few kilometers away from the Israeli-occupied Shebaa farms, still disputed between Lebanon, and Israel..

Nature Morte

Nature Morte

Juliette, une gendarme de trente-six ans, rejoint son père Rimbaud dans un champ. Rimbaud est agriculteur et une de ses vaches a été tuée et dépecée dans la nuit. Juliette mène l’enquête..

Nature Morte

Nature Morte

A portrait, in the style of Giuseppe Arcimboldo, hangs in a room in a decrepit mansion. A knife and fork lying on a table below awaken from slumber. A piece of fruit falls from the painting to the table, finding itself immediately in danger..

Nature, Morte.

Nature, Morte.

In a small house lost in the woods, Emma lives with her boyfriend Eric. A part of her soul is slowly dying, because of the loneliness, suffocated by too much love..

Nature morte

Nature morte

Héros discret, Wilhelm Werner, concierge à la Kunsthalle de Hambourg, a empêché la destruction des tableaux d’artistes persécutés par les nazis. Après la guerre, ces oeuvres d'art ont refait surface..

Nature morte

Nature morte

As point of departure French calendar holidays and traditions symbolised by a vegetal emblem, such as roses for Saint Valentine's Day. Ecologically absurd, the flower industry is also the terrain for an imbalanced North/South relationship, with the plants massively sold in cities of the North often sourced from the countryside of the South..

Nature morte avec des oranges

Nature morte avec des oranges

Dans un futur proche où tout le monde porte des chaînes invisibles, une jeune fille décide d’aider un alchimiste à changer l’ordre des choses. Mais la toute-puissante Compagnie Supérieure des Chaînes s'en aperçoit et va tout faire pour l'en empêcher..

The Finishing Touch

The Finishing Touch

Sam Stone is a cop with personal as well as professional problems. Stone investigates a series of killings in the night club scene. His ex-wife, also a cop, goes undercover to find the killer and Stone is faced with a double problem: keeping her alive and catching the killer before another woman is killed..